Thursday 31 December 2020

Happy New Year

One year everyone will never miss! But one year everyone will remember!

One minute we're with them, and the next they're gone.. But wait! Let me start from the beginning! 

2020 has taken away the most precious and important people from us. It has taken our doctors, teachers, nurses, front line workers, family members, friends and a whole lot more ... But 2020 has taught us how to live with one another. It has taught us what it means to be loved by your loved ones. It has taught us that life is unpredictable. Life is short so we need to make the best out of it while we can. People normally say we live once, I say: " False. We live everyday". 

We don't know what tomorrow holds, but we know who holds tomorrow. 

May this year bring you much love, joy and prosperity. Wishing all of you, a year full of love and cheer. I wish you to look forward to the upcoming year with confidence and courage, giving wings to your dreams! Continue living your dreams! Continue flying high - Let the skies be the limit. Live your life to the fullest extent, happy New Year! 

God's richest blessings upon everyone of us

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Teugblik 2010 - Kamohelo Mangoejane

Kamohelo op die skouers
van sy klasmaats 2010
Kamohelo Mangoejane het menslike bewegingskunde (MBW) aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat studeer. Aan die einde van sy tweede jaar is hy na Western Kentucky Universiteit. Hy het 'n kontrak van 5 jaar met hulle gesluit, o.a. om  sportbestuur te studeer. Die hoofrede waarom hulle hom 'n beurs gegee het, was omdat hy so 'n skitterende atleet was. Sy afrigter was die bekende Ans Botha van Bloemfontein - dieselfde afrigter van die wêreldbekende Wayde van Niekerk. (Gaan lees meer hier oor die bekende afrigter.)

Op skool het Mangoejane aan die 400H en 110H deelgeneem. In 2010 stel hy 'n stadionrekord in Bloemfontein op vir seuns O/19.

Hy was 'n inwoner van JBM-koshuis by UOVS. Hy was gereeld op die sportkanale van TV te sien, waar hierdie hekkiesatleet die wêreld aan die brand gehardloop het. Hy was sommer vroeg-vroeg deel van die senior VS-atletiekspan en het in 2012 sy VS-kleure verwerf.

Die atleet van Fischerstraat 31, Dagbreek, Welkom is duisende kilometers van sy geliefdes in 'n ongluk in Amerika oorlede. Ons by HTS onthou hom as 'n stil, baie gedissiplineerde, spontane en hulpvaardige leerder, wat nie geskroom het om te help, waar hulp nodig was nie.

A bad attitude ...

Monday 28 December 2020

Friday 25 December 2020

Kersfees- Christmas- Kresemesi

On this special day we first give thanks to the Almighty God for blessing us with his only ever son, Jesus Christ. We say "you're Holy God. There's no other God like you". We also thank the Lord for keeping us till thus far, when our families, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and etc has left us behind for the paradise in heaven. 

This is a special day to most of us, some because it's the Holy Son's birthday and some because of the Blessing God has given us. He sacrificed his ever only son for our sins to be paid off. This shows how much our father loves us. But the question stands - Do we love him the way he loves us? Do we honour him the way we should? Do we live up to the 10 commandments? If not, it's never too late to turn upon him and ask for forgiveness. It's never too late to start again.

It happens that we walk out of our houses alive and  as walking beings, but it's not certain that we'll come back the same. Most have came back in coffins. Some never returned! But because of God's love we are alive today. Let's love him the way we should. Invite him in everything we do, for He is the Lord of all heavens.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. May  God continue to bless our beautiful country and world as a whole. A prosperous new year in advance. 

Die hemel is 'n weldoener, en om 'n weldoener in ons lewens te hê, is wonderlik. Ons moet dankbaar wees. Ek los 'n soentjie met liefde vir almal wat hierdie boodskap lees.Gelukkigste Kersfees almal.

[Alex Manise 2020]

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Friday 18 December 2020

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Monday 14 December 2020

Friday 11 December 2020

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Monday 7 December 2020

Friday 4 December 2020

Wednesday 2 December 2020