Thursday 31 December 2020

Happy New Year

One year everyone will never miss! But one year everyone will remember!

One minute we're with them, and the next they're gone.. But wait! Let me start from the beginning! 

2020 has taken away the most precious and important people from us. It has taken our doctors, teachers, nurses, front line workers, family members, friends and a whole lot more ... But 2020 has taught us how to live with one another. It has taught us what it means to be loved by your loved ones. It has taught us that life is unpredictable. Life is short so we need to make the best out of it while we can. People normally say we live once, I say: " False. We live everyday". 

We don't know what tomorrow holds, but we know who holds tomorrow. 

May this year bring you much love, joy and prosperity. Wishing all of you, a year full of love and cheer. I wish you to look forward to the upcoming year with confidence and courage, giving wings to your dreams! Continue living your dreams! Continue flying high - Let the skies be the limit. Live your life to the fullest extent, happy New Year! 

God's richest blessings upon everyone of us