Boodskappe: Hester Bothma - sekretaresse van HTS

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Pieter Swanepoel
Dit is Maandagoggend 06:22 en ek sit in my studeerkamer en dink aan jou Hessie. Vanoggend is jou plekkie by HTS leeg......maar die Here maak nie foute nie....... Ek dink terug aan die eerste keer wat ek jou gesien het....Ek neem waar as skoolhoof en wag vir die dame vir die onderhoud as sekretaresse by HTS, sy is laat.... min het ons geweet dat sy nie by die kantoorblok kan inkom nie want die voordeur was gesluit. Ons wag toe maar.... later hoor ons "Koeieee" buite die venster, ons gaan haal haar... DIE BESTE AANSTELLING WAT ONS BY HTS GEMAAK HET!!!!!


Pieter Swanepoel
Hessie dit was altyd vir my die lekkerste om vir jou en Riana die wit Lelies af te pluk en dit vir julle te gee ... dan word hulle onmiddelik in die blompot gesit en op jou tafel gesit, dan die laaang drukkie wat ek gekry het. Dankie vir die baie kere wat jy net in my kantoor kom sit het om my moed in te praat en om net te luister as die stress te veel geraak het vir my!!! Jy was die "Liefie" van HTS!!! Hessie ek weet dat jy vanoggend aan die voete van Jesus sit en geen pyn in die twee ou knieë het nie. Rus sag Hessie tot ons weer sien. Liefde Pieter.


Lesala Khetheng
😔😔 Tannie Hester was so 'n wonderlike mens, so liefdevol en altyd omgee.
Dit is werklik hartverskeurend. Ek weet nie wat om te sê nie. 🤦🏽‍♂️ Dit is slegte nuus. 😟


Elias Samuel
May her soul rest in peace and her loved ones find comfort in her greatness she contributed to everyone she touched, we will all forever enjoy the memories we shared with her. Peace and condolences to everyone.


Elmari Guy
Ai dit is sooo hartseer. Sterkte vir Henk en die personeel. Dit is baie sleg. Sal haar mis.


Mawande Ntlontlo
May her soul rest in eternal peace 😔🙏🏽


Brahm Reyneke
Ai, dood is maar 'n hartseer storie omdat dit so onvermydelik finale afskeid is. Dit is nie 'koebaai sien later weer' hier op aarde nie. Aan die ander kant, vir Christusgelowiges is dit net 'n bruggie na die heerlike ewigheid in die hemel by God. "No more tears when we get to heaven. No more pain when we get to heaven..." lied wat die 16 singing men gesing het.


Nceba Mgojo
I heard the very sad new last night from pastor. I've been so sad😟😟😭😔 May her soul rest in eternal peace


Malinda Anderson
Hester was absoluut 'n belangrike skakel in die skoolruggraat ... Sy het diep spore in my lewe gelaat. Haar plek in die hemel is al lankal bespreek ...


Tanya Viljoen
Ons gaan haar voorwaar mis.😢


Tyrell Bazley
It comes with a heavy heart for us to announce the passing of our secretary Hester Bothma. She was very loved by all of the staff here at our school dedicated many years of her life to our school.
Our condolences go out to her family, and we will keep them in our prayers. Aunty Hester, we will miss you ...


Lesole Makadi Molefi
Pass My Condolences To Her Family 😪💔May Her Soul Rest In Peace


Butch Oupa Nieuwenhuyzen
💔💔 Condolences to the family. RIP Hester


Christa Grobbelaar
What an enormous loss. She was a ray of sunshine at the front office. She will be missed but never forgotten! ♡♡


Thandi Constance
May her soul rest in peace


Tsana Tsango
Moya wa hae o phomole ka kgotso


Tshepo Gaoraelwe and Justice Lebuso
I knew tannie Hester since 2018. She was a wonderful lady. She was the first lady that we met in the office. She was there to help you, no matter how she felt.
The smile that she always gave you, was a smile that was friendly and kind. She shared jokes with her fellow staff members. She courage and joy she put in her work, was something that no one has shown in the school. She will be missed, and she will always be in our hearts.
To the family, tannie Hester was a bright and a good person, thank you for allowing us to be part of her life.
May your soul rest in peace, tannie Hester.


Salome Manaka
May her soul rest in peace


Margaret Farinha
Sterkte aan geliefdes 🙏


Nthabiseng Mmakgotso Moeti Sehau
May here soul rest in peace

Prysuitdeling 2019 en melodrama 2015


WÏłłīę Ť Walter Mbobo
My condolences to the family 🥺😭😭.....she used to call me Mbombo 😭💔💔


Maketso Pitso
May her soul rest in peace.


Phetoane Confidence
May her soul Rest In Peace 🙏🏻


Noluthando Moyake
My condolences to family and friends. May her soul rest in peace


Tumi Motsieloa
May her soul rest in peace in peace


Wendy Gglipz Mothabeng
No maaan I saw her on Thursday awooo Jesus


Ntebaleng Ntibi
Condolences to the school at large and her family. May her soul rest in peace🙏🙏


Pretty Commonwealth


Mapule Motlolisi
May her soul rest in peace 💔💔


Mpai Nthabeleng Ramaime Phakoe
May her beautiful soul rest in peace💐😇

Covid1-19: Terug by die werk Maart 2020

Prysuitdeling 2019: Hester was 'n blommerangskikker van


Christelle Hattingh
Ek't sommr in my hart saam met julle gehuil 😢🌼🌼🌼 Ons is regtig net grashalms. Kan my net indink hoe lèèg har plekkie in die kantoor is - lettrlik en figuurlik. Dood in Paastyd voel vir my net anders hartseer.


Elmari Guy
Baie hartseer nuus. Sterkte aan die familie en personeel. Sy was altyd net goed vir my!!


Leon Visagie


Martie Maritz
So sorry to hear.


Lj Schwarz
My Condolences to friends and family..😪


Grace Mthembu Mafatle
Rest in peace aunty Hester.


Thandi Constance
May her soul rest in peace


Motshewa Tlhone
Rip aunty 😭😭💔💔💔


Sanah Ncango Mhlaba
Sad News indeed,my deepest condolences to her family.may her soul rest in peace.


Vernon Alet Harding
Ek kon nooit een oggend my dag by HTS begin sonder om eers vroeg oggend my drukkie by ou Hessie te gaan haal nie.

Matriekafskeid September 2014
Die provinsiale tegniese kompetisie van 2019


Tsebo T Mofokeng
May her soul rest in peace 😭❤️


Grace Mthembu Mafatle
Rest in peace aunty Hester,


Heather Steele
Very sad news, condolences to all family, friends and colleagues, Hester will be sorely missed, 💔 😢


Dolly Matwa
Heartfelt condolences family of HTS and family of Hester


Willem Grobs Grobbelaar
Rus sag Hester. Sy was nie net die hart van die skool nie, sy was die skool.


Pulane Aus Puli Makhalanyane
May her precious soul Rest in peace .... 💔


Letona La Kandase


Norma Norma
My condolences to the family and loved ones May her beautiful soul Rest in peace 💔


Israel Motsamai
May her soul rest in peace and condolences to her family and colleagues 💔💔💔


JB Rapstar Mhayise
May her soul rest in peace,she will be missed💔😭

Die SAOU ADMIN-seminaar: 5&6 Junie 2018
Die SAOU ADMIN-seminaar: 5&6 Junie 2018


Samuel Mini
Deeply Condolences send to Family , Friends, Stuff and all children at school my soul rest in peace 🙏🙏🙏


Makgonkge Mofokeng
May her soul rest in peace.Condolence to the family.staff and children💔


Germina Mmewakanilenaledi Moleli
My condolences to the family and staff of HTS


Meryl Tlhapane
My deepest condolence to the family and the school. 💐


Eldean Jose Phillips
Rest is peace Tannie, your presence will be missed 😟😟


Nthabiseng Pule
Condelesence to the school and her family


Cad Øww
mag haar siel in vrede rus😔🕊🕊


Helene' Afxentiou Proctor
I cannot believe this. May she rest in peace she was one wonderful person. Her friendliness courage and kindness will be remembered. Our deepest sympathy to the family.


Willie Groenewald
Baie jammer om te hoor. Sterkte vir die familie.


Bianca Kruger
Ai Hessie... 😭Rus in vrede

 Melodrama 2011 - die gees van die melodrama 


Motlalepule Khetsi
May her beautiful soul rest in Glory..


Puleng Makhalanyanemabele
Condolences to the family may her soul rest in peace


Mapule Motlolisi
May her soul rest in peace 💔💔


Vernon Alet Harding
Ek kon nooit een oggend my dag by HTS begin sonder om eers vroeg oggend my drukkie by ou Hessie te gaan haal nie.


Margaret Farinha
Sterkte aan geliefdes 🙏


Christa Grobbelaar
Liewe Hester. Net 'n bondel liefde en geduld. Sy sal nooit vergeet word nie.


Martie Serfontein van Dyk
Sterkte aan familie en vriende


Thandeka Thekiso
May her soul in peace💔💔🥺


Daphney Mjandana Senkge
Rest In peace.😢😢😢


Chantel Van der Merwe
Rus sag


Seki Nyalani
may her soul rest in peace💔


Raymo Mohlapa Kupa
Rest in peace Tanie 😥😔


Vernon Alet Harding
My liewe ou Hes. Rus sag.


Noluthando Moyake
May her soul rest in peace 🙏🙏


Ronel Muller
God be with her family give them strength and guidance


Dulcie Harris
I am so shocked by this news, shocked and extremely saddened. So sorry to hear this news. My prayers go out to her family.


Celeste Swart
Such sad news. Always a friendly welcome. May your welcome in your heavenly home be as sweet. Sincere sympathy to HTS and Hester's family. RIP 🙏❤️


Relebohile Perseverance Setlaba
Rest in peace mevrou known her since 2011 my heart is broken 😭💔


Denielle Van der Merwe
May her soul RIP strongs to the families 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Tshifhiwa Makhokha
Condolences to her family

Matriekafskeidfunksie - 16 September 2014

Personeeluitstappie na Parys - 17 Oktober 2015


Nelson Mosesi
Hai nee tog💔🥺Ek kan nie glo nie


Alex Manise
Wat ‘n harseer- ek’s baie Jammer . Ek kan nie iets beter vir julle sê-Maar sterkte 🙏Hoop . Lig. Liefde 🕊


Fanie Pretorius
Onverwags en hartseer.


Mirna De Hart
Special memories which I am sure she adored. Thinking of you x


Jurie Korff
Dit is baie hartseer nuus, tannie Hester was die moeder vir ons leerders by die skool. Ek onthou nog in graad 8 (2011) toe sy my rustig gemaak het omdat ek dringend by 'n dokter moes uitkom. Haar persoonlikheid van self het my kalm gehou. Tannie Hester was 'n wonderlike mens. Tannie los groot leemte.
Rus sag tannie Hester, ons hemelse Vader het 'n wonderlike Engel van onder ontvang. Sterkte aan familie en vriende, weet net dat tannie Hester groot wonders in baie se lewe gedoen het.


Henry Welman
'n Soliede verlies inderdaad. Hester sal altyd in ons harte bestaan.


Annah Sefantsi


Meraai Earle
Baie sterkte


Willie Olivier


Alet harding
Die huldeblyk 'n pragtige getuigskrif vir ou Hessie. My hart is regtig seer.😪

Personeeluitstappie na Parys - 17 Oktober 2015


Condolences to the family and friends, may her beautiful soul rest in peace💐💔


Nthabiseng Mmakgotso Moeti Sehau
May here soul rest in peace


Caryn Petersen
A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter. A strong woman is both soft and powerful, she is both practical and spiritual. ... “A strong woman loves, forgives, walks away, lets go, tries again, and perseveres… no matter what.


Meikie Ralenono
So sad may her soul rest in eternal peace


Tyrell Bazley is feeling heartbroken with Hester Jordaan Bothma.

I broke down in tears last night when I heard that you passed away. I am in fact in tears typing this to you.

Your last words to me were, "Tyrell, wat sal ek ooit sonder jou doen" and my reply to you was "Gelukkig hoef jy nie te wees nie want ek sal altyd hier wees vir jou", 24 hours later you passed on.

You told me you loved me like one of your own children and I have told you the same thing. I told people on 'live' radio that I always hug our secretary because she is just a little teddy bear which you were.

Every time I did something naughty, you would cover up for me and the laugh about how I got away with it. You laughed every time I stole someone's Vista newspaper out their office for you. I made sure every Valentines Day you would get a little gift and Easter Egg so that you always knew that you were loved.

Remember how much fun you, myself and Riana would have in your office? In fact, the last photo you ever took of someone was of us and we were laughing because of that fun. That photo just became more precious.

Remember how many times I hugged you so long that we heard tears in our eyes? Now I know why.

My mornings had the best start because I would start my day waiting outside for you to arrive at work.

My tannie, nobody knows how close we as admin department bond. I will miss you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for always smiling through even your hardest day. Your were more than a colleague to me you were more than a mother figure to me. I miss you too much already. . . . . . . 😪


André van Dyk
Tannie se plek by HTS gaan verseker leeg wees en die goeie en mooi herinneringe sal altyd by my bly. Gaan tannie baie mis.
Rus in vrede, liewe tannie Hester.

Lees die volledige berig HIER!



In haar kantoor - gemasker teen Covid-19