Monday 31 January 2022

RCL: See the light in yourself ...

My wish for you is that you see the light in this world in yourself, and in others and be proud of your own accomplishment, believe in yourself, for you are stronger than you know. I believe in you, try harder, but know your limits. Ask if you need help and trust others will help you. I will help you.

Fill your heart with laughter and smiles often. I love to see your smile. You are unique, special, and another person. There will never be another you. I appreciate all of you. Dream, believe, wonder, inspire, love, nurture and always listen. That is what i will do for you

Omolemo Kobi in grade 12c


"Die beste manier om aan die gang te kom, is om op te hou praat en te begin doen." - Walt Disney

Sunday 30 January 2022

RCL: Embrace the uncertainty ...

My name is Sandile Kodwa in grade 12C

I'm  here to tell u if you're feeling frightened about what comes next, don't be. Embrace the uncertainty. Allow it to lead you places. Be brave as it challenges you to exercise both your heart  and your mind as you create your own path towards happiness, don't waste time with regret. Spin wildly into your next action, sometimes if you can't  handle it, feel free to come to us RCL, cause we are here to help and guide you .

Enjoy the present, each moment as it comes, because you'll never get another one quite like it.

One of our Tekkie's artists

'By drawing, man has extended his ability to see and comprehend what he sees.'
[Spencer Frederick Gore (1878 - 1914)]

Sunday thoughts: Care

Friday 28 January 2022

Thursday 27 January 2022

Neologisms ... a sky comma?

Definition of apostrophe:
a mark ' used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case (as in "John's book"), or the plural of letters or figures (as in "the 1960's") In the contraction "can't," the apostrophe replaces two of the letters in the word "cannot."

Here is another beautiful "new word" to describe the word apostrophe - a sky comma or in Afrikaans - 'n lugkomma!

Click HERE as well.

Thank you, Mojalefa Mabote for this contribution! 

Mentorklub 2022

Tekkies se eerste lede vir 2022 se mentorklub! 
Hier is die twee graad 11-leerders wat onmiddellik die bal aan die rol gesit het en hulle kom inskryf het. Sterkte vir 'n heerlik jaar van groei en ontwikkeling. Onthou, om 'n goeie mentor te wees, moet jy 'n spesiale mens wees. Welkom, Toka Moeti en Reabetswe Setsetse. 

Wednesday 26 January 2022


Klik HIER vir nog Woensdag-waardes!!

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Tips: Memory Improvement Techniques

Memory Improvement Techniques. Click HERE.

Monday 24 January 2022

100100 ... Thank you


 "Soms is dit nie genoeg om te weet wat dinge beteken nie, soms moet jy weet wat dinge nie beteken nie." - Bob Dylan 

Sunday 23 January 2022

RCL: Identify your goals ...

Good morning fellow HTS learners. My name is Karabo Tsotsotso and I am the 2022 RCL Chairman.

My school journey, from Grade 1 to Matric, has indeed been a long and challenging one. I know I am not alone: for many of us, school life is a myriad of challenges. I, too, have failed a grade so I have personally experienced the pain of failure.

Yet, we as humans are all aware of the old adage: "Self-belief and hard work will ALWAYS earn you success." Accordingly, as long as we keep persevering, we can only succeed. Hard work, diligence, dedication and determination ensure success - this I promise you all. With this being said, I urge every 'Tekkie' to uphold the ethos of THS Welkom and to undertake to meet all challenges head on with diligence  and dedication. Identify your goals now and start today working immediately towards achieving them. This is the manner of great men. I know we will all be great men if we use every day to its fullest, pursuing our goals, achieving successes - no matter how small - for the rest of our school lives and beyond, into the world of tertiary education, a well-paid career, and a family of our own. A son who will, with pride, comment: "My father is a great man."

Thank you and God's richest blessings today and always.

Thank you - 100 000 readers!!

Today we hit 100 000 viewers on Tekkie Tonic. A big thanks to everyone. We appreciate you all for your support and responses. 

Saturday 22 January 2022

Neologisms ... a flying comma?

Neologisms are often formed by combining existing words or by giving words new and unique suffixes or prefixes. Neologisms can also be formed by blending words, for example, "brunch" is a blend of the words "breakfast" and "lunch", or through abbreviation or acronym, by intentionally rhyming with existing words or simply through playing with sounds.

Neologisms can become popular through memetics, through mass media, the Internet, and word of mouth, including academic discourse in many fields renowned for their use of distinctive jargon, and often become accepted parts of the language. Other times, they disappear from common use just as readily as they appeared. Whether a neologism continues as part of the language depends on many factors, probably the most important of which is acceptance by the public. It is unusual for a word to gain popularity if it does not clearly resemble other words. 

"Flying comma" instead of the word "apostrophy"

Neologisme is 'n term van Griekse oorsprong, letterlik vertaal as 'nuwe woord'. Met die hulp is dit gebruiklik om woorde of hul kombinasies aan te dui wat onlangs in 'n taal verskyn het. In die reël verskyn daar jaarliks ​​'n groot aantal nuwe woordformasies in ontwikkelde tale, waarvan die meeste egter nie in die omgangstaal inslag vind nie. Slegs 'n beperkte aantal neologismes word uiteindelik bekend aan die mense en word wyd gebruik 

"Vlieënde komma" in plaas van die gebruiklike woord "afkappingsteken".

Dankie, Keke Lebina vir jou kreatiewe bydraes in die Afrikaanse klas!

Thursday 20 January 2022

Matric results 2021

Matric Results for the Class of 2021 can be collected in Mr Van Vuuren's office from 07:30 tomorrow morning. Remember to use the side entrance of the office. Good luck, all of you!!! 

The early bird ..

Being disciplined and punctual allow you to enjoy your day at school.

Punctuality is a wonderful trait of a person, one to be admired and respected. It displays a person’s respect for people and time. In giving respect to others we can earn in turn.

This is some of the characteristics of Khotso Ntima of grade 11. Thank you for setting a good example to all of us. 

Atletiek na Covid-19

Die volgende leerders het handevol punte ingesamel. Baie geluk en woeker verder met julle talente.

O/14:Rorisang Mokhatla  (Graad 8C)
O/15:Tshepo Mohlokaqala (Graad 9C)
Thubalethu Thomsana (Graad 8C)*
Junior Mafantiri (Graad 9C
Avela Skiti (Graad 8C)
O/16:Sibusiso Pop (Graad 9D)
Njabuto Nkoe (Graad 10C)*
O/17:Lesedi Motsoane (Graad 11C)
Siphiwe Nyingwa (Graad 9E)
B Lebesa (Graad 11C)
O/19:Kamohelo Makotso (Graad 11B)

Wise words ...

Wednesday 19 January 2022


Mev. Bo-dine Minne wag vir die aangee-
stokkie van mej. Lizbe Sauer af.
HTS het besluit om 'n bietjie kaatjie van die baan te wees en vandag litte op die atletiekbaan los te maak, nadat Covid-19 ons almal gereduseer het tot onbetrokke toeskouers van TV-sport. En sonder om 'n spier te vertrek of liewer te verrek, het die dag 'n paar verrassings opgelewer.

'n Nommer wat ongekende belangstelling uitgelok het, was die laaste item op die program. Daar was vier professionele spanne wat die dag se gebeure op 'n hoë noot afgesluit het. Die mans- en damespersoneelspan aan die een kant en die jong energieke EA-span aan die ander kant. HTS se manspersoneelspan het loshande gewen, terwyl die damesspan met 'n laaste plek (on)tevrede moes wees.

'n Ampetlike klag is by die Atletiekunie (AU) ingedien wat tot 'n forensiese ondersoek gelei het, aangesien ongerymdhede vermoed is. 'n Antwoord is gouer op die tafel gesit as wat verwag is. Daar is bevind dat die uitslag op 'n tegniese punt gedebatteer kan word. HTS is 'n seunskool en met die sensitiewe ego's is dit van kritiese belang dat die uitslag korrek moet wees. Die einde word egter deur die begin bepaal en daarom is die verkeerde baanafmetings die antwoord op hierdie raaiselagtige laaste plek, wat die damespersoneel soos 'n man kan vat. 

Mnr. Erick Litjamela besig met
"ongeoorloofde" oefeninge tydens die item.



Raak betrokke en neem deel. Na twee jaar van sit en rus by die huis, is dit tyd om Covid-skoon te kom.

Rek, strek en hardloop moet deel van jou 2022-woordeskat word. Ons weet goed hoeveel voordele oefening vir jou fisiese gesondheid inhou – dit hou jou gewig in toom, verminder jou risiko vir hartsiekte en tipe 2-diabetes, en bied selfs beskerming teen party tipes kanker. Nuwe wetenskaplike bewyse kom nou ook aan die lig van die voordele wat oefening vir jou geestesgesondheid inhou.

En die heel belangrikste voordeel van oefening - dit verbeter die werking van jou brein. 'n Bietjie oefening en jou rapportpunte lyk beter - glad nie 'n slegte ruiling nie. Raak betrokke en sien die verskil.   

Tuesday 18 January 2022

RCL: A memorable journey

"The journey from 8 to 12 was a short but fun and memorable one. We all made new friendships and memories that for some of us will last a lifetime. As we enter our final year of High School, I ask that everyone make the most of your time here and to set an example for our school. Let's make the class of 2022 one to be fondly remembered by the school."
Hendrew Rantsie - vice-chairperson (12B)

School leadership

Monday 17 January 2022

99 000 readers!!

Tekkie Tonic hit 99 000 views, with heavy traffic this past week. I got a few emails from old learners who enjoyed this blog and some of the old photos. The study tips are very useful to some of the learners that are really serious.


“Gister was ek slim, so ek wou die wêreld verander. Vandag is ek wys, en daarom verander ek myself.” - Rumi 

Mentor Club: Why I Needed a Mentor!

We are all motivated and excited to get started with something new.  But what happens after that excitement goes away?  Can you still stay on track?

We ALL need an accountability partner, mentor or someone to keep us from getting distracted from all the bright and shiny objects or to just be there when we are in over our heads.

At the time, I still thought “I can do this on my own” but I scheduled a free call with a mentor anyway and that 30-minute call was a game changer.  During that call I finally asked for help.  I am here to say is it OK to ask for help.  There are others who have already made mistakes and recovered to tell their story.

Before starting with a Mentor I never had someone to bounce ideas off of, make me think more thoroughly about a problem, and simply call me out on my crap.

Yes, it has been a lot of work.  Most things that are worth it in the end are a lot of work.  Without a Mentor, we would not be where we are today.

It’s okay to ask for help.  It’s okay to make mistakes- I’ve made more than my fair share.  A mentor is there to give you a new perspective and help you get to your perfect day.

Keep up the good work, Tekkies.

Butch Santucci

Sunday 16 January 2022

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Welcome back

Each new school year holds the promise of extraordinary learning. We know our teachers and staff have rested and recharged over the summer, and are coming back with renewed energy. We are committed to our learners and to help each learner realise their dreams and maximise their potential. We are looking forward to collaborating with parents and community partners to ensure every learner has an opportunity to learn and grow.

We are so excited for this new school year and look forward to celebrating successes and sharing stories of all the amazing ways that together we can show that Tekkies is for ALL learners.


Monday 10 January 2022


"Onmoontlik is vir die onwilliges."
John Keats

Sterkte vir jou nuwe skooljaar

2022 - die jaar waarin elke Tekkie gaan probeer om waarde toe te voeg tot die skool, sowel as tot sy eie lewe. Ons begin sommer hierdie kwartaal deur om te gee vir onsself, ons klasmaats en ons onderwysers by die skool.

OMGEE kan op verskeie maniere gewys word, maar ons begin met ses maklik haalbare aksies:
* Groet jou mede-Tekkies en glimlag vir hulle wat jy teëkom om te wys dat jy OMGEE!
* Help 'n onderwyser wat swaar dra aan boeke, bokse en lêers.
* Help die terreinwerkers deur jou papiere in die asdrom te gooi.
* Gesels met 'n nuweling of gaan sit by iemand wat eenkant staan.
* Deel jou broodjie of ander kos,
* Leen vir 'n klasmaat 'n pen, potlood of selfs van jou Pritt!

2022 se nuwejaarsvoorneme: Wees 'n waardevolle Tekkie

Sunday 9 January 2022

Wednesday 5 January 2022

To all the Tekkie teachers and the learners

It's a wonderful day -  Oh yes, it's a wonderful year at large ! 

May the new year bring new goals, new happiness, and new blessings. Wishing you a new year loaded with happiness! May the new year bring all the good things in life you truly deserve. 

You had an amazing year and this one will be even better! Through all the storms we faced the past two years, we are still alive today. When people got lost in the midst of COVID-19, we are still striving. Till this day, we say; Lord you have been with us through thick & thin. We are just children who sin everyday, but you've never left us nor forsaken us. We say thank you ! Not even the best words in this world can describe the gratitude we have for the gift of life, but Lord you know what's in our hearts. Please bless each and every learner and teacher out there. Please be with them & protect them throughout the new year. Guide them as they are your children. Keep them in unity -Together Forever. Amen !



Monday 3 January 2022


"Leef jou droom." - Bruin

Sunday 2 January 2022

Saturday 1 January 2022

Happy New Year

Hold on to what is good
even if it is a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe
even if it is a tree which stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do even if it is a long way from here. 
[Traditional Tewa]

Dear Tekkies, may the coming year bring along new hopes and new opportunities ... May you learn from your past mistakes and accomplish your targets for future with your strength and dedication ... No lesson is difficult once you start reading it, no goal is difficult to accomplish once you start working hard for it ... All you need to do is take the first step ... May in this year, you take all the first steps you missed on in the last year ... Wish you a Happy New Year.