Monday 30 September 2019

Sunday 29 September 2019

Saturday 28 September 2019

Einstein and education

o. 17-7's-rugbytoernooi se suksesse ...

Hierdie span het 'n tweede plek gekry.
Die seuns sien elke jaar baie uit na die uitstappie by Warthog Inn, Jaru-sportakademie 7's. Dit is geleë net buite Brits in die Noordwes-provinsie. 

HTS het vanjaar 4 spelers wat gekies is om aan die 7's in Dubai deel te neem. Hulle is Neo Lesoetsa, Oratile Maneng, Bonga Speelmam en Kamohelo Nthoba. Baie geluk aan hierdie manne. Indien daar enige een is wat 'n geldjie in hierdie manne se rugbytoekoms wil belê, kontak gerus die skool vir verdere inligting.

Foto's: Mnr. JD van den Berg. 

Die groep wat gekies is om aan die Dubai 7's
deel te neem. Van HTS is dit Neo Lesoetsa,
Oratile Maneng, Bonga Speelmam en Kamohelo

Friday 27 September 2019

Thursday 26 September 2019

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Heritage Day

We all know this as a celebration of tradition
Where we embrace our cultures as God's creation

The painful reality is ...
Humanity has lost its heritage
The celebration of our traditions has turned into a spiteful act of hypocrisy
The fiery furnace of hatred towards our own kind leads to a lot of unnecessary blood shed

My people my people
Instead of celebrating love and life and peace in abundance
We mourn for thousands of our own
Heritage Day has turned into a blue for Africa

Heritage Day

(Shaun Mmutsi)

Prebraaidag ...

Mnr. Deon Fourie, mevv. Karin Herbst, Alet
Harding en mnr. Johan Herbst 
As jy in die onderwys is, sal jy besef hoe belangrik pre- en posttoetse is wanneer daar ekstra klas gegee word. Só getrou aan hierdie beginsel, het die personeel 'n prebraai gehad die 20ste September 2019.

Braaidag is 24 September en die postbraai sal nadat die skole weer heropen het, plaasvind.

Viva braaivleis!!

Foto's: Lizbe Sauer
Mnre. Joost Matthysen, Quintos,Coetzee, Deon
Fourie, Vernon Harding, Francious Crauwcamp
en Tobie Louw. Mevv. Annelene Botes, Christa
Coetzee, Alet Harding, me. Caryn Peterson en
mnr. André van Dyk.

Monday 23 September 2019

Wat is leierskap?

Jou drome vir jou toekoms bepaal die wyse waarop jy as leier gaan funksioneer. Droom groot, sodat dit 'n impak kan hê op die mense rondom jou.  

Leierskap is om onder andere 'n inspirerende visie te hê, sowel as die vermoë om 'n passie en bereidwilligheid in mense aan te wakker en 'n bereidwilligheid om te streef na daardie visie. 

'n Leier het 'n droom en inspireer mense om te glo en te werk om daardie droom te bereik. 'n Leier voer ‘n saak enduit en voorsien en berei die regte omgewing voor vir mense om goed te presteer. 

Maak 'n verskil aan die leerders by HTS Welkom en help hulle om drome vir 2020 te hê.

Sunday 22 September 2019

Kentucky Fried Chicken

The real-life story of Colonel Harland Sanders who was disappointed umpteen times in his life and still made his dream come true late in his life is really inspiring.

He is a seventh grade dropped out who tried many ventures in life but tasted bitter every time. He started selling chicken at his age of 40 but his dream of a restaurant was turned down many times due to conflicts and wars.

Later he attempted to franchise his restaurant. His recipe got rejected 1,009 times before the final approval. And soon the secret recipe, “Kentucky Fried Chicken” became a huge hit worldwide. KFC was expanded globally and the company was sold for 2 million dollars and his face is still celebrated in the logos.

Moral: Have you stopped your attempts to a venture just because you were rejected or failed a few times? Can you even accept a failure of 1009 times? This story inspires everyone to try hard and believe in yourself until you see success despite how many times you have failed.

Saturday 21 September 2019

The reality of grade 12 ...

In the beginning of the matrix year
Plans were made
Plans after that ultimate day
Where we all received our results

Reality is giving us the shock of our lives,
as most of us are at risk of being modulated
Fearful as Israelites were in the desert for 40 years
this has become our new reality

What does 2020 have on in store of us?
Will our dreams ever become a reality???

We knoweth not
The only things to know is that we are all the drivers of our own success
Modulated or not
All matrix learners should know

A dream with no opposition is a fantasy

Matrix is here to stay
Lets all drive ourselves to our own destinies

(Shaun Mmutsi)


'n Heerlike werkswinkel, waar almal aktief deelgeneem het, is gedurende die matrieks se vakansiedag aangebied. Die woordwoekeraars is dit eens dat ons dit maar kan herhaal.

Elkeen se bydrae was so sinvol en die tweerigtingverkeer het by tye teen N1-spoed mekaar verbygegaan. Teen die tyd dat ons ons oë uitgevee het, was dit reeds 14:00. Dit beteken effektief dat ons 'n hele skooldag (7 periodes en twee pouses) gewerk het en dit geniet het.

Mnre. Khoza en Vusi - hierdie klomp manne is ysters!

Foto's: Alda Welman

Die EIS-werkswinkel vir Afrikaans!

Kgosana Moeketsi en Rantsholo Malefane 

Perceverans Ramongalo, Kamohelo Majara en
Dumisani Malindi

Mohlakoane Phera en Shaun Mmutsi

Afrika Mokhosi en Makwanyane Shomaele
Foto's: Alda Welman

Welkom Volkskool se "Pa en dogterbal" ...

Mnr. Joost Matthysen saam met sy oogappel. 
Welkom Volkskool het 'n baie geslaagde  "Pa en dogterbal" aangebied vir die dogters van graad 1 tot 7 wat oor twee aande gestrek het. Twee Tekkie-pa's het hulle ook opgetof vir die aand wat vir die graad 1-3's gehou is en het gedas en gepak by die spoggerige geleentheid opgedaag. 'n Mens kan duidelik sien dat hierdie appels nie ver van die boom geval het nie.

Mnr. JD van den Berg, saam met sy hart se punt!

Change the goal ...

Friday 20 September 2019

Existing and living ...

As humans, we need not to exist but to live. We should have wisdom instead of knowledge, because what good is a piece of information without knowing how to apply it? We should love instead of lusting. Lust causes greed, it deceives, destroys and divides. A divided nation will fall for anything, because the unity is power, and only the divided get conquered.

Be hopeful, for it is hope that pushes you to do things and take risks. It is hope that makes you go beyond your usual limits and do things you are not used to doing, because you are always hoping for the best results.

Dalai Lama once said, "If you want to be kind to others, practice compassion. If you want others to be kind to you, practice compassion."

At the end of the day, your life isn't about you, but about those around you and how you treat them.

(Kgosana Moeketsi)

The most powerful weapon ...

Thursday 19 September 2019

Gebedsbyeenkoms vir die matrieks

Pastoor Joshua Monyane van HTS besig om Morena Sekoai, voorsitter van die VRL, ter illustrasie te gebruik om sy boodskap aan die matrieks oor te dra.

Kamohelo Majara, Kgosana Moeketsi en Shaun Mmutsi besig om by die Ferdi Meyer-saal in te stap.

Foto's: Kgosana Moeketsi

Mnr. L Gaseitsiwe (leerkrag),  Kgosana Moeketsi
(junior burgemeester), mnr. Mophosho
(skoolhoof) en  Kamohelo Majara.

If you can't ...

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Mayoral speech ...

Greetings: I wish to send my greetings to the parents, teachers and mentors, and all the supporters present. I would also like to send my greetings to the outgoing and the incoming councils.

Word of thanks to the council: It is a privilege and an honour for me to stand here before you all today as the junior executive mayor for the term of office 2018/2019. The mayoral position was a position I accepted with open arms and vowed to give my full dedication in order for this council to succeed. I wish to thank you all for the connectedness through we worked together and overcame many obstacles. Like-one big family, we have been so infused, intertwined and intermingled into each like brothers and sisters. The spirit for which I am grateful and wish to see continue in the new council.

Message to the new council: To the new council, I have the following message: It is not easy. Being a councillor is not easy, in the sense that one has to equip oneself with skills that will make it possible for the council to function optimally. These include speaking skills and management to quote but few. As an organisation, we have to uphold our mandate, which is to have an impact in the community and lead the youth in the right direction. We have to touch people's lives through our selflessness and a burning desire to make a difference. Welkom itself is faced with a problem of substance abuse by teenagers, and as if that was not enough, this is being done in school uniform.

Change: Ladies and gentlemen, it is no secret that we are the catalysts and agents of change in our communities and in our own small way we influence others by what we say, what we do and how we conduct ourselves, hence I challenged each and everyone of us for selflessness, commitment and the passion to serve. The very same way the world's icon and my role model, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. challenged each and everyone of us to serve mankind in whatever way possible. This is evident in his words about serving mankind when he said and I quote:
"Everybody can be great, because anyone can serve. 
You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. 
You don't have to have a college degree to serve. 
You don't have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. 
You don't have to know Einstein's theory of relativity to serve. 
You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. 
You only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love." 

Just as one needs and iron to sharpen another iron, humans exchange wisdom through interaction and sharing of ideas. We need to learn from each others' expertise through sharing of ideas, working together and observing others in action.

Closing: In the final analysis, I wish to once again welcome you all info the council and wish you all the best of luck. Thank you.

Kgosana Moeketsi
Junior executive mayor for the term of office 2018/2019

SAGE World Cup ...

Na 'n uitputtende 21 ure in die lug, het Lesala die voorreg om eerstehands die beste van die beste spanne teen mekaar te sien sake uitspook.

'n Baie vol en besige program laat geen tyd vir rondkyk en rondloop toe nie ... dit is so jammer. Hy sal maar moet wag vir 'n volgende keer!!

Long-term results ...

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Rose or cactus ...

If mankind was given the opportunity to choose whether to become a rose or a cactus, the majority would choose to become a rose because of its appearance and fragrance. The few that would choose to become a cactus would probably be because a cactus is native to their home land and not because of its appearance

Yes, a rose may be beautiful on the outside, but is it beautiful on the inside? Can it survive under tough conditions? Or even better, can it save your life if the two of you were the last things left on earth?" The answer to all of those questions is a big NO! The same questions were asked about a cactus, and the response was positive. Truth is, a cactus can withstand extremely hot and bitterly cold temperatures. It can survive for months in the desert without water. And yes it can save your life, because its inside has been used by past generations and it is still being used as medicine and an effective disinfectant of wounds.

So once again mankind is proven to judge a book by its cover, and making decisions based on the appearance of things, not realising that such decisions may not benefit them in the near/far future.
The kind of plant you choose to be, you shall possess its qualities, both outer and inner ones. So it's up to you, a beautiful appearance with bad qualities or an unappealing look with inner beauty and strength? Don't be a typical human being, make a wise decision.

Your life may as well depend on it.

(Kgosana Moeketsi)

Wise words ...

(Kenny Ramorakane: 11B - 2017)

Monday 16 September 2019

Sunday 15 September 2019

Bon Voyage, Lesala!

Lesala se eerste treë op pad na Amerika

Lesala ontvang sy vliegtuigkaartjie en verblyfreëlings, saam met die SAGE Wêreldkampioenskappe se inligting by dr. Thabo Pitse, Nasionale CEO van SAGE SA. 

Sharpen your ‘axe’ ...

There was a newly joined woodcutter and the king was really impressed by his dedication towards his work. Out of encouragement, he started giving his best in work and cut 18 trees in the first month and the king was glad.

The next month he put in the same effort but could cut only 15 trees. And the third month, he still tried his best but could cut only 12 trees. The king visited him the third month and talked about his decrease in productivity.

He explained that he might have lost his strength or got too old to do the work. The king asked him “when was the last time you sharpened your ax?” To the surprise, he has not even done it once in the last three months. That was the only reason why he couldn’t cut more trees.

Moral: It is good that you put in a lot of effort and hard work to work towards your goals. But you should balance your life priorities and invest time with your family and save some time to relax which would boost up your productivity.

Saturday 14 September 2019

Friday 13 September 2019

Thursday 12 September 2019

They made us who we are ...

By Kgosana Moeketsi

Why steal from them if they give us everything
Why kill them if they're the ones who gave us life
Why terrorise them if they kept us safe since birth
Why are they not safe even when in their homes

Why do we not realise that it is our turn
Our turn to take care of them
Our turn to stop abusing them
Our turn to say no to their killings

Our turn to be urged to take charge
Be urged to protect the kind that gave you life
Be urged to be a good example for your son or pals
Be urged not leave a void in someone's heart

Let us protect them, let us love them

They are our mothers, our sisters

Believe that you can obtain it ...

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Die oue en die nuwe ...

Kgosana Moeketsi, die uittredende burgemeester van die termyn 2018/1019 het die voorreg gehad om Alex Manise as onderburgemeester vir die termyn 2019/2020 in te huldig.

Baie dankie, Kgosana vir al die werk wat jy in hierdie jaar gedoen het. Jy het 'n verskil gemaak.

Baie geluk, Alex. Mag jou termyn wonderlik wees en loop in die spore van die Tekkies voor jou! 

Listen to your teachers ...

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Monday 9 September 2019

Loslitdag 2019

Loslitdag 2019 het so reg in die eksamen van die matrieks geval, dus hulle kon nie deelneem nie. Nieteenstaande is die mooi bedrag van R950 geïn. Dankie aan elkeen wat selfs in hierdie moeilike ekonmiese tye, bereid was om 'n plakkertjie te koop.

Foto's: André H van Dyk