Sunday 17 March 2024

Poem: Concrete wall

I now see you fall
How I had thought
That I've seen it all
Protected was I by the wall.

A wall which I never saw a scare at my side
A wall which seemed tall and precious at my side
A wall so strong that I've never seen it cry
Today I've seen a crowed at the other side
A crowed which was as young as I

Today I'm grown, I see it no longer tall
How depressing it is to see it's back
A back which had carried us all
Had scars of scratches even on its shoulders
How I wish somebody had told us

That this is a life ready for all of us
Had I known?
Or was I once told?
Or had I not feared the unknown?
That I will one day miss home.
A place that once felt warm.
Today I stand at the backside of the wall 

[Israel Xaba:  7 March 2024]

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