That used to shrink my mother.
I recall the nights when he used to imprecate my brother.
How he was welcomed by the world
That I now can't stand the image of my brother,
I now stand ambiguous of my brother,
Unclear of his love for me.
For he is now nab and beam.
This for me has become surreal,
I can't credence this happening
My brother has become clifty.
I recall the tears my mother cried,
For they were corroboration of my mother's night.
I now loathe the sight of my father,
For I was too young to protect my mother.
I call to mind the days I never slept
I call to mind my mother's whimpering
I call to mind my mother's friend
Who's life was frailty for years.
As she Now lay lamented
By deeds of a man.
I recall the innocence
Of my laughter as a child
For it has Now passed from sight,
For I now walk with a wound
And I now talk from a wound
As I now inscribe my agonizing life.
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