Thursday 25 May 2017

Othello meets the Tekkies!

At the Brooklyn Theatre...the grade 12's

Chapi, mrs Debbie, Cassio, Montano and Pule.

With Iago, Desdemona and Othello
A magnificent performance by an extremely talented cast. The Tekkies were spellbound for 2 and a half hours, and have gained much insight into - and admiration for - Shakespeare's works which are usually considered outdated and boring. Now that our Grade 12 Tekkies can put 'faces' to the characters in Othello and seen the drama come alive, we are confident of good results for P2.

Actually viewing the drama - instead of simply reading it - has made a huge impact on our Grade 12 Tekkies. This wonderfully impressive production was a huge success among them, and we were allowed to meet Othello, Iago, Desdemona, Cassio and Montano after the performance. Othello himself is an incredible actor but Iago, with his evil machinations, stole the show.

We were very fortunate to see this production, and our Tekkies are in awe of Shakespeare's talent.

A heartfelt thanks to Mr Fanie Pretorius for driving us to and from Pretoria and Pule Mokhali for his assistance. It was a highly successful excursion: an outstanding performance, and our Tekkies did us proud with their sterling behaviour and absolute enjoyment of the live - and riveting - performance of Shakespeare's Othello.

(Debbie Balios - Grade 12 English HL)