Sunday 27 September 2020

Study Techniques:The PQ4R Method

This method takes an active approach to learning that improves memorisation and understanding of the topic. Similar to the SQ3R method above, PQ4R is an acronym that stands for the six steps in the process.

Preview: Preview the information before you start reading to get an idea of what the subject matter will be. Skim the material and read only the headers, subheadings, and highlighted text.

Question: Ask yourself questions related to the topic, such as, What do I expect to learn? What do I already know about this topic?

Read: Read the information one section at a time and try to identify answers to your questions.

Reflect: Did you answer all of your questions? If not, go back and see if you can find the answer.

Recite: In your own words, either speak or write down a summary of the information you just read.

Review: Look over the material one more time and answer any questions that have not yet been answered.