We can say that education is a success factor for civilisation, socialisation, professional and personal growth.
It teaches us the manners of living. In the past, people had success without education and use alternative ways for it, but their success might be temporary. The key to success usually depends on educated people. So if a person wants a divine success than education is compulsory.
When you are able to get an education it will help you to better analyse yourself and your skills, so you can excel. Education also gives a sense of management and patience. Is the ultimate way to improve communication skills, enhance your perspective, and refine your personal skills as well as your technical skills.
Sunday, 28 February 2021
Thursday, 25 February 2021
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Saturday, 20 February 2021
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Want to Succeed?
Here are fool-proof tips for success:
* In Grade 12 you will have a very full programme so you need to work consistently and not leave tasks for the last minute.
Here are fool-proof tips for success:
* In Grade 12 you will have a very full programme so you need to work consistently and not leave tasks for the last minute.
* Pay careful attention in class to ensure that you understand the work.\
* Take your textbook to class every day and open it at the topic of discussion. Get to know your textbook really well. After a lesson in class read the relevant sections at home that afternoon or evening.
* Complete homework daily.
* Work neatly and accurately.
* When unsure or in doubt, ask your teacher or classmate.
* Attend any extra tuition offered to you.
* Start studying well in advance for examinations.
* Design a study roster and stick to it from Day 1.
* Refine your examination technique; when you revise, choose questions that will strengthen you in your weaker areas.
* Learn to plan and answer written questions clearly and systematically.
* Study hard for all your tests and internal examinations as if preparing for your final examinations.
* Use past examination papers for revision. Work through last year’s examination papers as well as the exemplar papers produced to assist you in preparing for your examinations. This will give you a good idea of the types of questions you can expect in the final examination.
Tuesday, 16 February 2021
Monday, 15 February 2021
Tips: Music for Studying: 10 Tips to Pick the Best Study Music
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Select the right music for studying. Click here. |
'n Tekkie-welkom vir 2021
'n Besondere woord van welkom aan ons nuwe graad 8-leerders en hul ouers. Ons glo dat almal opgewonde is oor 2021. Net soos 2020 lê daar 'n hele klomp hekkies oor wat ons op 'n daaglikse basis sal moet hanteer. Maar met energie, entoesiasme en geloof gaan ons 2021 met vaste tred stap.
Tekkies, onthou om die beste jy te wees wat jy kan. Jy moet beter wees as gister, as verlede jaar en graad 8's - julle moet julle hoërskoolloopbaan met altwee hande aangryp en gedy. Gemiddeldheid en middelmatigheid in vandag se lewe is nie meer goed genoeg nie. Daar is meer mense in ons land sonder werk, as wat werk het. Dus moet jy uitstaan en die enigste manier om dit reg te kry, is om uitstaande te wees.
Mag 2021 vir elke Tekkie 'n sterker mens maak, mag voorspoed en groot genade deel van hierdie jaar se seëninge wees.
Tekkies, onthou om die beste jy te wees wat jy kan. Jy moet beter wees as gister, as verlede jaar en graad 8's - julle moet julle hoërskoolloopbaan met altwee hande aangryp en gedy. Gemiddeldheid en middelmatigheid in vandag se lewe is nie meer goed genoeg nie. Daar is meer mense in ons land sonder werk, as wat werk het. Dus moet jy uitstaan en die enigste manier om dit reg te kry, is om uitstaande te wees.
Begin klein - doen elke dag jou huiswerk. Leef doelgerig. Werk met jou einddoel voor oë.
Onthou om die skool se visie uit te leef. Bly by die waardes wat jy by die huis geleer het en wat deur die skool onderskryf word. Waardes is deel van jou "skooldrag" en daarom moet jy ten alle tye vriendelik en eerlikheid wees. Respekteer jouself, jou klasmaats en jou onderwysers.
Onthou om die skool se visie uit te leef. Bly by die waardes wat jy by die huis geleer het en wat deur die skool onderskryf word. Waardes is deel van jou "skooldrag" en daarom moet jy ten alle tye vriendelik en eerlikheid wees. Respekteer jouself, jou klasmaats en jou onderwysers.
Mag 2021 vir elke Tekkie 'n sterker mens maak, mag voorspoed en groot genade deel van hierdie jaar se seëninge wees.
Sunday, 14 February 2021
Gebed vir ’n onderwyser
Here Jesus, toe u op aarde geleef,
gewerk en wonderwerke gedoen het,
was u ‘n onderwyser vir die mens.
Ek wil graag U voorbeeld volg,
daarom vra ek U leiding.
U het die waardevolste materiaal naamlik,
die verstand van ‘n kind in my hande geplaas.
Help my om te onthou dat dit nie soos‘n swartbord is nie.
‘n Verkeerde merk kan nie uitgewis word nie.
Ek vra vir U geduld, Here, om dié wat stadig is
en die wat weier om te leer, te help.
Ek het ook liefde en selfbeheersing nodig, Here,
wat ek kan uitdeel as ek dissipline moet toepas.
Aan die wat hulle bes doen, al is dit nie goed nie,
gee my wysheid om hulle aan te moedig
en nie te ontmoedig deur sarkasme nie.
Help my Jesus, om hulle te leer om nie net
dinge te memoriseer nie, maar om vir
hulle self te dink en dinge uit te redeneer.
Gee dat ek elkeen se talent wat aan hom of haar
uitgedeel is, sal raaksien en help ontwikkel tot U eer.
Lei U my, want ek besef dat U die
leiers van die toekoms aan my toevertrou.
Dit vra ek uit genade
Verwerk: Carol van Zyl (5 Jan 2007)
gewerk en wonderwerke gedoen het,
was u ‘n onderwyser vir die mens.
Ek wil graag U voorbeeld volg,
daarom vra ek U leiding.
U het die waardevolste materiaal naamlik,
die verstand van ‘n kind in my hande geplaas.
Help my om te onthou dat dit nie soos‘n swartbord is nie.
‘n Verkeerde merk kan nie uitgewis word nie.
Ek vra vir U geduld, Here, om dié wat stadig is
en die wat weier om te leer, te help.
Ek het ook liefde en selfbeheersing nodig, Here,
wat ek kan uitdeel as ek dissipline moet toepas.
Aan die wat hulle bes doen, al is dit nie goed nie,
gee my wysheid om hulle aan te moedig
en nie te ontmoedig deur sarkasme nie.
Help my Jesus, om hulle te leer om nie net
dinge te memoriseer nie, maar om vir
hulle self te dink en dinge uit te redeneer.
Gee dat ek elkeen se talent wat aan hom of haar
uitgedeel is, sal raaksien en help ontwikkel tot U eer.
Lei U my, want ek besef dat U die
leiers van die toekoms aan my toevertrou.
Dit vra ek uit genade
Verwerk: Carol van Zyl (5 Jan 2007)
Friday, 12 February 2021
Thursday, 11 February 2021
Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Tuesday, 9 February 2021
Wednesday: Grade 10 for orientation
Attention all Grade 10's. Please report to school tomorrow in your uniform. Screening in the hall from 07:00 to 07:50. 08:00 in the quad.
Below are the list of names and the classes they will report in.
Jaden Adams 10C1
Muhammad Adnan 10F1
Mojalefa Baleni 10B
Thando Bampiso 10E1
Kgosi Bathong 10C1
Lenre Baum 10A
Bernadus Bester 10A
Bonolo Bleom 10B1
Gideon Buys 10A
Darius Chapman 10F1
Tshepo Chere 10B1
Lukho Dauwa 10E1
Mokete Dlamini 10B1
Sipho Dzingwa 10E1
Neo Fihla 10C1
Siyabonga Gavu 10F1
Sipho Gxilishe 10B1
Teboho Hlalele 10F1
Jabulani Hlatshwayo 10F1
Mopedi Hlongwane 10D1
Chumanie Hulushe 10B1
Lwando Jada 10B1
Asinathi Jongile 10C1
Lunga Julius 10C1
Motsoane Kaibe 10E1
Tshepo Kalipa 10C1
Moratehi Kanono 10C1
Khaya Kheswa 10E1
Kananelo Khou 10F1
Santi Khoza 10C1
Lithemba Kobo 10D1
Unathi Kula 10F1
Siyabonga Kutyunga 10B1
Sange Kwelemthini 10D1
Boitshepo Lebesa 10B1
Rearabetwe Lebona 10D1
Mpho Leeto 10C1
Tokollo Leeto 10C1
Thapelo Leeuw 10A
Mojalefa Lekeka 10E1
Lebohang Lekhotla 10D1
Karabo Lengau 10F1
Rethabile Letsoara 10D1
Sharvick Lukas 10E1
Mzimkulu Mabele 10B1
Mojalefa Mabote 10E1
Ntsakiso Mabote 10E1
Tshepo Macala 10B1
Nkosinathi Maeene 10D1
Lesedi Mafantiri 10D1
Oregolele Magome 10F1
Thato Mahlasane 10D1
Thembani Majola 10A
Mahana Majolo 10C1
Thabiso Majoro 10F1
Sive Makapela 10D2
Mojalefa Makhalima 10E1
Mphutlane Makhaza 10D2
Tlhompho Makhetha 10D1
Mpho Maleme 10B1
Ntlororo Malgas 10D1
Kabelo Malisa 10B1
Oratile Maneng 10D2
Lungile Manyanisa 10D1
Katleho Mapitsi 10E2
Itumeleng Maqheane 10D1
Oreholele Marumo 10C2
Pogisho Maruping 10C2
Kutlwano Masakale 10E1
Lungisa Mashaba 10C2
Bokang Masindo 10A
Motsamai Matene 10E2
Katleho Matjoi 10E1
Badikwane Matlhoko 10C2
Amogelang Matolong 10F1
Shoky Matsime 10F2
Richard Matsoso 10E1
Jabu Mbiko 10C2
Olebogeng Merafe 10B2
Vuyisile Mgabadeli 10F1
Xolani Mini 10F1
Shafeeq Minnie 10D1
Sandile Mngaulane 10E1
Toka Moeti 10B1
Thato Mofoka 10E2
Moeketsi Mofokeng 10B2
Tumelo Mofokeng 10B2
Mpho Mofuoa 10B2
Setlhogo Mohapi 10B2
Mamello Mohoje 10E2
Katlekgo Moholo 10D1
Sean Mokhasi 10D1
Lerato Mokhele 10E1
Theophilus Mokhethi 10C2
Khahlego Mokhuoane 10B2
Kamohelo Mokotso 10E1
Kamohelo Monamoleli 10E1
Bonolo Morema 10B2
Kabelo Moroka 10D1
Gabriel Mosala 10C2
Rorisang Mosese 10E2
Leloka Mosia 10F1
Mosala Mosiuoa 10E2
Thabiso Mothobi 10F1
Lesedi Motsoane 10E2
Amos Mpenvana 10D2
Lesedi Mphatsoe 10D2
Lwando Mpinda 10C2
Kelvin Mpofu 10A
Liyema Mqayiso 10F1
Ellard Mussa 10B2
Seisa Mutsi 10E2
Nathan Muxito 10E2
Bokang Nchodu 10D2
Luan Neethling 10A
Nhlakanipho Ngwenya 10E1
Tseko Nkgashu 10C2
Katleho Nombila 10F1
Tshepo Nonyane 10B2
Caswell Noosi 10C2
Taleng Nteleki 10F1
Khotso Ntima 10E2
Moorosi Ntjoboko 10E2
Kabelo Ntlhake 10E2
Karabo Ntsiu 10D2
Yandisa Ntwana 10C2
Moeketsi Nyama 10E2
Mduduzi Nyawo 10E2
Vanisa Nyembezi 10F2
Ruan Odendaal 10A
Gerhardus Pelser 10A
Karabo Phashe 10F2
Onalerona Phatsoane 10B2
Kamohelo Phume 10D2
Mihle Pikashe 10E2
Kamohelo Pitso 10E1
Thabiso Poonyane 10D2
Motsamai Potse 10D2
Nhlanhla Radebe 10F2
Mosiuoa Rafube 10D2
Tlale Rakei 10E2
Amohelang Ramabodu 10F2
Keamohetse Ramabodu 10B2
Adam Ramanamane 10A
Tshepo Ramanamane 10D1
Mamello Rammore 10C2
Moretehi Ramona 10F2
Teboho Rawuza 10D2
Divan Reynecke 10A
Bafentse Seane 10E2
Thabang Seatlanyane 10F2
Kamohelo Sefatsa 10F2
Moteka Selepe 10F2
Thabo Selikane 10F2
Mojalefa Selometsi 10B2
Reabetswe Setsetse 10F2
Motlatsi Shelile 10D2
Derraldinho Smith 10C2
Mivuyo Sono 10A
Napo Tebesi 10D2
Ermeyase Teklegiourgis 10F2
Bongane Thupa 10D2
Sipho Tlkoane 10F2
Kgotso Tladi 10D2
Teboho Tladi 10C2
Johny Tlali 10B2
Retshidisitswe Tsehle 10D2
Mtoti Tshabalala 10F2
Bongani Tsomo 10D2
Lotoane Tsunke 10D2
Dewin Van Der Berg 10A
Johan Van Der Merwe 10A
Liam Van Der Westhuizen 10F2
Brendon Van Wyk 10A
Gift Van Wyk 10A
Danro Van Zyl 10A
Junior Vanga 10D2
Brandon Viljoen 10A
Luthando Vitshima 10F2
Promise Williams 10E2
Israel Xaba 10F2
Mario Zaca 10C2
Lukona Zililo 10F2
Below are the list of names and the classes they will report in.
Jaden Adams 10C1
Muhammad Adnan 10F1
Mojalefa Baleni 10B
Thando Bampiso 10E1
Kgosi Bathong 10C1
Lenre Baum 10A
Bernadus Bester 10A
Bonolo Bleom 10B1
Gideon Buys 10A
Darius Chapman 10F1
Tshepo Chere 10B1
Lukho Dauwa 10E1
Mokete Dlamini 10B1
Sipho Dzingwa 10E1
Neo Fihla 10C1
Siyabonga Gavu 10F1
Sipho Gxilishe 10B1
Teboho Hlalele 10F1
Jabulani Hlatshwayo 10F1
Mopedi Hlongwane 10D1
Chumanie Hulushe 10B1
Lwando Jada 10B1
Asinathi Jongile 10C1
Lunga Julius 10C1
Motsoane Kaibe 10E1
Tshepo Kalipa 10C1
Moratehi Kanono 10C1
Khaya Kheswa 10E1
Kananelo Khou 10F1
Santi Khoza 10C1
Lithemba Kobo 10D1
Unathi Kula 10F1
Siyabonga Kutyunga 10B1
Sange Kwelemthini 10D1
Boitshepo Lebesa 10B1
Rearabetwe Lebona 10D1
Mpho Leeto 10C1
Tokollo Leeto 10C1
Thapelo Leeuw 10A
Mojalefa Lekeka 10E1
Lebohang Lekhotla 10D1
Karabo Lengau 10F1
Rethabile Letsoara 10D1
Sharvick Lukas 10E1
Mzimkulu Mabele 10B1
Mojalefa Mabote 10E1
Ntsakiso Mabote 10E1
Tshepo Macala 10B1
Nkosinathi Maeene 10D1
Lesedi Mafantiri 10D1
Oregolele Magome 10F1
Thato Mahlasane 10D1
Thembani Majola 10A
Mahana Majolo 10C1
Thabiso Majoro 10F1
Sive Makapela 10D2
Mojalefa Makhalima 10E1
Mphutlane Makhaza 10D2
Tlhompho Makhetha 10D1
Mpho Maleme 10B1
Ntlororo Malgas 10D1
Kabelo Malisa 10B1
Oratile Maneng 10D2
Lungile Manyanisa 10D1
Katleho Mapitsi 10E2
Itumeleng Maqheane 10D1
Oreholele Marumo 10C2
Pogisho Maruping 10C2
Kutlwano Masakale 10E1
Lungisa Mashaba 10C2
Bokang Masindo 10A
Motsamai Matene 10E2
Katleho Matjoi 10E1
Badikwane Matlhoko 10C2
Amogelang Matolong 10F1
Shoky Matsime 10F2
Richard Matsoso 10E1
Jabu Mbiko 10C2
Olebogeng Merafe 10B2
Vuyisile Mgabadeli 10F1
Xolani Mini 10F1
Shafeeq Minnie 10D1
Sandile Mngaulane 10E1
Toka Moeti 10B1
Thato Mofoka 10E2
Moeketsi Mofokeng 10B2
Tumelo Mofokeng 10B2
Mpho Mofuoa 10B2
Setlhogo Mohapi 10B2
Mamello Mohoje 10E2
Katlekgo Moholo 10D1
Sean Mokhasi 10D1
Lerato Mokhele 10E1
Theophilus Mokhethi 10C2
Khahlego Mokhuoane 10B2
Kamohelo Mokotso 10E1
Kamohelo Monamoleli 10E1
Bonolo Morema 10B2
Kabelo Moroka 10D1
Gabriel Mosala 10C2
Rorisang Mosese 10E2
Leloka Mosia 10F1
Mosala Mosiuoa 10E2
Thabiso Mothobi 10F1
Lesedi Motsoane 10E2
Amos Mpenvana 10D2
Lesedi Mphatsoe 10D2
Lwando Mpinda 10C2
Kelvin Mpofu 10A
Liyema Mqayiso 10F1
Ellard Mussa 10B2
Seisa Mutsi 10E2
Nathan Muxito 10E2
Bokang Nchodu 10D2
Luan Neethling 10A
Nhlakanipho Ngwenya 10E1
Tseko Nkgashu 10C2
Katleho Nombila 10F1
Tshepo Nonyane 10B2
Caswell Noosi 10C2
Taleng Nteleki 10F1
Khotso Ntima 10E2
Moorosi Ntjoboko 10E2
Kabelo Ntlhake 10E2
Karabo Ntsiu 10D2
Yandisa Ntwana 10C2
Moeketsi Nyama 10E2
Mduduzi Nyawo 10E2
Vanisa Nyembezi 10F2
Ruan Odendaal 10A
Gerhardus Pelser 10A
Karabo Phashe 10F2
Onalerona Phatsoane 10B2
Kamohelo Phume 10D2
Mihle Pikashe 10E2
Kamohelo Pitso 10E1
Thabiso Poonyane 10D2
Motsamai Potse 10D2
Nhlanhla Radebe 10F2
Mosiuoa Rafube 10D2
Tlale Rakei 10E2
Amohelang Ramabodu 10F2
Keamohetse Ramabodu 10B2
Adam Ramanamane 10A
Tshepo Ramanamane 10D1
Mamello Rammore 10C2
Moretehi Ramona 10F2
Teboho Rawuza 10D2
Divan Reynecke 10A
Bafentse Seane 10E2
Thabang Seatlanyane 10F2
Kamohelo Sefatsa 10F2
Moteka Selepe 10F2
Thabo Selikane 10F2
Mojalefa Selometsi 10B2
Reabetswe Setsetse 10F2
Motlatsi Shelile 10D2
Derraldinho Smith 10C2
Mivuyo Sono 10A
Napo Tebesi 10D2
Ermeyase Teklegiourgis 10F2
Bongane Thupa 10D2
Sipho Tlkoane 10F2
Kgotso Tladi 10D2
Teboho Tladi 10C2
Johny Tlali 10B2
Retshidisitswe Tsehle 10D2
Mtoti Tshabalala 10F2
Bongani Tsomo 10D2
Lotoane Tsunke 10D2
Dewin Van Der Berg 10A
Johan Van Der Merwe 10A
Liam Van Der Westhuizen 10F2
Brendon Van Wyk 10A
Gift Van Wyk 10A
Danro Van Zyl 10A
Junior Vanga 10D2
Brandon Viljoen 10A
Luthando Vitshima 10F2
Promise Williams 10E2
Israel Xaba 10F2
Mario Zaca 10C2
Lukona Zililo 10F2
Monday, 8 February 2021
Tuesday: Grade 11 for orientation
Grade 11's name list for tomorrow. We typed it in so that those using Facebook on Free Mode can also access the information. See you tomorrow.
Simbongile Bani 11B1
Takura Choga 11C1
Mojalefa Dhlamini 11C1
Serai Dimpane 11D1
Lesedi Fokane 11B1
Tshepo Gaoraelwe 11D1
Athandile Gawe 11C1
Sebabatso Hangane 11B1
Kgosiemang Itholeng 11D1
Sizwe Jabuza 11C1
Khaeeane Tshepiso 11D1
Kabelo Khoto 11E1
Kabelo Koali 11C1
Omolemo Kobi 11B1
Sandile Kodwa 11C1
Pheello Lefatle 11B1
Reanetse Lekeka 11E1
Naledi Lengau 11C1
Tshepo Lenong 11D1
Lindokuhle Lesenyeho 11E1
Nathan Lewis 11C1
Siyamcela Loqo 11C1
Lwandiso Lose 11B1
Maphungane Lumbela 11E1
Sentle Mahlatsane 11D1
Serame Mahlatsi 11E1
Thato Majola 11C1
Khanya Makapela 11D1
Katleho Malisa 11C1
Mzwakhe Manjani 11E1
Obakeng Maruma 11B1
Karabo Marumo 11E1
Napi Marumo 11C1
Neo Masakane 11D1
Katleho Mashaba 11D1
Mothanga Maswangane 11E1
Kamogelo Matshai 11D1
Arnold Mazibuko 11D1
Khanysile Mbombo 11C1
Samkelo Mboyana 11E1
Musa Memela 11B1
Pule Mholo 11B1
Michael Mienie 11A
Tendai Mlambo 11B1
Thamsanqa Mmutlanyana 11B1
Siphesihle Mngomezulu 11B1
Phanyane Moalosi 11E1
Thapelo Moeketsi 11D1
Lesego Mokgoetsi 11D2
Lebeoana Mokhantso 11C2
Gosiame Mokhuoane 11D2
Kevin Mokone 11B2
Morena Mokoteli 11B2
Katleho Molapo 11D2
Itumeleng Moloi 11B2
Thabo Moloi 11E1
Mokhethi Monyane 11D1
Mosege Morake 11B2
Thabang Morobe 11D2
Tshegofatso Motale 11B2
Olereko Motekoane 11C2
Ritumetse Mothabe 11B2
Zwelibanzi Motibe 11E1
Phoka Motseki 11C2
Arusha Mphono 11E1
Simphiwe Mtingwevu 11E1
Muhammadi Murindwa 11B2
Katleho Nkamane 11C2
Boitumelo Nkate 11C2
Tsebo Nkomo 11D1
Neo Ntai 11B2
Seoe Nthebe 11B2
Sinalo Ntloko 11B2
Luvo Ntshanga 11D2
Rorisang Nyama 11E2
Theano Oosthuizen 11B2
Lerenzo Ouman 11C2
Tankiso Poeng 11E2
Karabelo Potsane 11D2
Paseka Potsisa 11E2
Tekhedi Rakhalane 11E2
Lebohang Rakhoabe 11B2
Ntai Ramaisa 11E2
Keketso Rampai 11C2
Hendrew Rantsie 11B2
Baaneste Rasentsoere 11E2
Kamohelo Rasheleng 11E2
Eric Ratau 11E2
Kananelo Sabatane 11D2
S’yabulela Seaka 11E2
Machogo Sehloho 11E2
Sephiri Sekamotho 11C2
Mosa Seoehle 11E2
Mosa Seseane 11C2
Oratile Setlogelo 11E2
Bayabonga Sidinane 11C2
Neo Sithole 11C2
Teboho Tebesi 11D2
George Terblanche 11A
Khotso Thamae 11D2
Mcedese Themba 11C2
Tinti Tjhaka 11D2
Thabo Tlali 11D2
Nkosana Tshabalala 11D2
Katleho Tsie 11E2
Lebohang Tsoaeli 11C2
Bokamoso Tsotsotso 11D2
Kaydrian Vorster 11C2
Mpho Zwane 11E2
Simbongile Bani 11B1
Takura Choga 11C1
Mojalefa Dhlamini 11C1
Serai Dimpane 11D1
Lesedi Fokane 11B1
Tshepo Gaoraelwe 11D1
Athandile Gawe 11C1
Sebabatso Hangane 11B1
Kgosiemang Itholeng 11D1
Sizwe Jabuza 11C1
Khaeeane Tshepiso 11D1
Kabelo Khoto 11E1
Kabelo Koali 11C1
Omolemo Kobi 11B1
Sandile Kodwa 11C1
Pheello Lefatle 11B1
Reanetse Lekeka 11E1
Naledi Lengau 11C1
Tshepo Lenong 11D1
Lindokuhle Lesenyeho 11E1
Nathan Lewis 11C1
Siyamcela Loqo 11C1
Lwandiso Lose 11B1
Maphungane Lumbela 11E1
Sentle Mahlatsane 11D1
Serame Mahlatsi 11E1
Thato Majola 11C1
Khanya Makapela 11D1
Katleho Malisa 11C1
Mzwakhe Manjani 11E1
Obakeng Maruma 11B1
Karabo Marumo 11E1
Napi Marumo 11C1
Neo Masakane 11D1
Katleho Mashaba 11D1
Mothanga Maswangane 11E1
Kamogelo Matshai 11D1
Arnold Mazibuko 11D1
Khanysile Mbombo 11C1
Samkelo Mboyana 11E1
Musa Memela 11B1
Pule Mholo 11B1
Michael Mienie 11A
Tendai Mlambo 11B1
Thamsanqa Mmutlanyana 11B1
Siphesihle Mngomezulu 11B1
Phanyane Moalosi 11E1
Thapelo Moeketsi 11D1
Lesego Mokgoetsi 11D2
Lebeoana Mokhantso 11C2
Gosiame Mokhuoane 11D2
Kevin Mokone 11B2
Morena Mokoteli 11B2
Katleho Molapo 11D2
Itumeleng Moloi 11B2
Thabo Moloi 11E1
Mokhethi Monyane 11D1
Mosege Morake 11B2
Thabang Morobe 11D2
Tshegofatso Motale 11B2
Olereko Motekoane 11C2
Ritumetse Mothabe 11B2
Zwelibanzi Motibe 11E1
Phoka Motseki 11C2
Arusha Mphono 11E1
Simphiwe Mtingwevu 11E1
Muhammadi Murindwa 11B2
Katleho Nkamane 11C2
Boitumelo Nkate 11C2
Tsebo Nkomo 11D1
Neo Ntai 11B2
Seoe Nthebe 11B2
Sinalo Ntloko 11B2
Luvo Ntshanga 11D2
Rorisang Nyama 11E2
Theano Oosthuizen 11B2
Lerenzo Ouman 11C2
Tankiso Poeng 11E2
Karabelo Potsane 11D2
Paseka Potsisa 11E2
Tekhedi Rakhalane 11E2
Lebohang Rakhoabe 11B2
Ntai Ramaisa 11E2
Keketso Rampai 11C2
Hendrew Rantsie 11B2
Baaneste Rasentsoere 11E2
Kamohelo Rasheleng 11E2
Eric Ratau 11E2
Kananelo Sabatane 11D2
S’yabulela Seaka 11E2
Machogo Sehloho 11E2
Sephiri Sekamotho 11C2
Mosa Seoehle 11E2
Mosa Seseane 11C2
Oratile Setlogelo 11E2
Bayabonga Sidinane 11C2
Neo Sithole 11C2
Teboho Tebesi 11D2
George Terblanche 11A
Khotso Thamae 11D2
Mcedese Themba 11C2
Tinti Tjhaka 11D2
Thabo Tlali 11D2
Nkosana Tshabalala 11D2
Katleho Tsie 11E2
Lebohang Tsoaeli 11C2
Bokamoso Tsotsotso 11D2
Kaydrian Vorster 11C2
Mpho Zwane 11E2
Monday: Matrics for orientation
These learners will report on MONDAY for orientation. Only Grade 12's.
There will also be a hard copy at the entrance of the hall where screening will take place.
These will also be their classes for 2021:
Juan Bam - 12A
Armandt Brand - 12A
Theko Damane - 12D1
Mohapi Die - 12C1
Michael Dikoko - 12D1
Johannes Englebrecht - 12A
Kamohelo Fubu - 12C1
Sonwabile Gawu - 12B1
Thabiso Gomes - 12D1
Marvin Gotso - 12D2
Motjheku Hlapane - 12D1
Jacobus Human - 12A
Mamello Kgaje - 12D1
Abongile Khakhau - 12B1
Reamohetse Khotle - 12B1
Mpho Komoreng - 12D1
Evan Korb - 12A
Motebang Lehare - 12B1
Makwanyane Lehola 12B1
Ofentse Lerotholi - 12D2
Sephapho Lesenyeho - 12C2
Neo Lesoetsa - 12C1
Rethabile Mahasa - 12B1
Katleho Majola - 12B1
Lenard Makhubela - 12D1
Boitshepo Makoba - 12C1
Tumelo Makutoane - 12D1
Tshepo Malebo - 12B1
Thato Malete - 12C1
Sibusiso Malindi - 12C1
Thato Manaka - 12D1
Vuyo Mangayi - 12B1
Tsepo Maoatsa - 12D1
Mlungisi Maphumulo - 12B1
Tshepo Marabe - 12C1
Enrique Marais - 12A
Andrew Marks - 12A
Tshidiso Marumo - 12C1
Mamello Mathobisa - 12D2
Mthutuzeli Matholengwe - 12B1
Paseka Mazibuko - 12D2
Mohlalefi Mbobo - 12C1
Damian Mda - 12C1
Nkateko Mdaka - 12C1
Kopo Mokatsoane - 12C1
Khahliso Mokhuoane - 12B1
Moketsi Mokolutlo - 12C1
Phehello Mononi - 12C1
Mogoje Moroe - 12C2
Nelson Mosesi - 12C2
Retshedisitswe Moshane - 12B1
Edwin Moshodi - 12C2
Paballo Motaung - 12B2
Prince Motaung - 12D2
Tshepo Mothibe - 12C2
Themba Motibe - 12C2
Kelebogetse Motlhabi - 12B2
Charles Motlohi - 12B2
Tshediso Mpakoanyane - 12D2
Lebohang Mphulanyane - 12B2
Tando Mtengwane - 12B2
Mashudu Mudau - 12D2
Godfrey Narciso - 12C2
Lindani Ndzamo - 12C2
Lindokuhle Ndzamo - 12D2
Thato Nketu - 12D2
Oa-ratoa Nkone - 12D2
Tshaiamo Noe - 12C2
Moeketsi Ntima 12C2
Molefi Ntone - 12D1
Benjamin Oberholzer - 12B2
Baydon Oliphant - 12A
Kruschef Phakane - 12D1
Kabelo Phakoe - 12D1
Lekhetho Phalatsi - 12B2
Tsholofelo Phatshoane - 12B2
Tsekelo Phitisi - 12D1
Molelekoa Phumo - 12C2
Thanduxolo Radebe - 12B2
Kganya Rasentsoere - 12D1
D'angelo Rodgers - 12A
Riccardo Sardinha - 12C2
Tshepang Seabi - 12C2
Hlokosi Semela - 12B2
Refiloe Seutloali - 12D2
Thanda Sibiya - 12C2
Buhle Sikweza - 12C2
Nkesane Soke - 12D2
Ashaan Stenger - 12D2
Lebohang Stuurman - 12B2
Pride Stuurmman - 12D2
Thabo Thakeli - 12C1
Mmetodi Thooe - 12C1
Silasi Tseletsele - 12B2
Tlhakudi Tsoai - 12B2
Rhydwen Tsukudu - 12D2
Nico Van Heerden - 12A
Keith West - 12A
There will also be a hard copy at the entrance of the hall where screening will take place.
These will also be their classes for 2021:
Juan Bam - 12A
Armandt Brand - 12A
Theko Damane - 12D1
Mohapi Die - 12C1
Michael Dikoko - 12D1
Johannes Englebrecht - 12A
Kamohelo Fubu - 12C1
Sonwabile Gawu - 12B1
Thabiso Gomes - 12D1
Marvin Gotso - 12D2
Motjheku Hlapane - 12D1
Jacobus Human - 12A
Mamello Kgaje - 12D1
Abongile Khakhau - 12B1
Reamohetse Khotle - 12B1
Mpho Komoreng - 12D1
Evan Korb - 12A
Motebang Lehare - 12B1
Makwanyane Lehola 12B1
Ofentse Lerotholi - 12D2
Sephapho Lesenyeho - 12C2
Neo Lesoetsa - 12C1
Rethabile Mahasa - 12B1
Katleho Majola - 12B1
Lenard Makhubela - 12D1
Boitshepo Makoba - 12C1
Tumelo Makutoane - 12D1
Tshepo Malebo - 12B1
Thato Malete - 12C1
Sibusiso Malindi - 12C1
Thato Manaka - 12D1
Vuyo Mangayi - 12B1
Tsepo Maoatsa - 12D1
Mlungisi Maphumulo - 12B1
Tshepo Marabe - 12C1
Enrique Marais - 12A
Andrew Marks - 12A
Tshidiso Marumo - 12C1
Mamello Mathobisa - 12D2
Mthutuzeli Matholengwe - 12B1
Paseka Mazibuko - 12D2
Mohlalefi Mbobo - 12C1
Damian Mda - 12C1
Nkateko Mdaka - 12C1
Kopo Mokatsoane - 12C1
Khahliso Mokhuoane - 12B1
Moketsi Mokolutlo - 12C1
Phehello Mononi - 12C1
Mogoje Moroe - 12C2
Nelson Mosesi - 12C2
Retshedisitswe Moshane - 12B1
Edwin Moshodi - 12C2
Paballo Motaung - 12B2
Prince Motaung - 12D2
Tshepo Mothibe - 12C2
Themba Motibe - 12C2
Kelebogetse Motlhabi - 12B2
Charles Motlohi - 12B2
Tshediso Mpakoanyane - 12D2
Lebohang Mphulanyane - 12B2
Tando Mtengwane - 12B2
Mashudu Mudau - 12D2
Godfrey Narciso - 12C2
Lindani Ndzamo - 12C2
Lindokuhle Ndzamo - 12D2
Thato Nketu - 12D2
Oa-ratoa Nkone - 12D2
Tshaiamo Noe - 12C2
Moeketsi Ntima 12C2
Molefi Ntone - 12D1
Benjamin Oberholzer - 12B2
Baydon Oliphant - 12A
Kruschef Phakane - 12D1
Kabelo Phakoe - 12D1
Lekhetho Phalatsi - 12B2
Tsholofelo Phatshoane - 12B2
Tsekelo Phitisi - 12D1
Molelekoa Phumo - 12C2
Thanduxolo Radebe - 12B2
Kganya Rasentsoere - 12D1
D'angelo Rodgers - 12A
Riccardo Sardinha - 12C2
Tshepang Seabi - 12C2
Hlokosi Semela - 12B2
Refiloe Seutloali - 12D2
Thanda Sibiya - 12C2
Buhle Sikweza - 12C2
Nkesane Soke - 12D2
Ashaan Stenger - 12D2
Lebohang Stuurman - 12B2
Pride Stuurmman - 12D2
Thabo Thakeli - 12C1
Mmetodi Thooe - 12C1
Silasi Tseletsele - 12B2
Tlhakudi Tsoai - 12B2
Rhydwen Tsukudu - 12D2
Nico Van Heerden - 12A
Keith West - 12A
See you on Monday
Saturday, 6 February 2021
Here's to the best school year ever!
Now and then we all need a little inspiration and motivation.
Surround yourself with people who motivate you. Stick some motivational posters at your home. You can even keep these motivational posters as desktop wallpaper, smartphones and tablets.
Surround yourself with people who motivate you. Stick some motivational posters at your home. You can even keep these motivational posters as desktop wallpaper, smartphones and tablets.
Everything you need for a fully motivated and fulfilled day.
Monday: Matrics for orientation
These learners will report on MONDAY for orientation. Only Grade 12's.
There will also be a hard copy at the entrance of the hall where screening will take place.
These will also be their classes for 2021:
Juan Bam - 12A
Armandt Brand - 12A
Theko Damane - 12D1
Mohapi Die - 12C1
Michael Dikoko - 12D1
Johannes Englebrecht - 12A
Kamohelo Fubu - 12C1
Sonwabile Gawu - 12B1
Thabiso Gomes - 12D1
Marvin Gotso - 12D2
Motjheku Hlapane - 12D1
Jacobus Human - 12A
Mamello Kgaje - 12D1
Abongile Khakhau - 12B1
Reamohetse Khotle - 12B1
Mpho Komoreng - 12D1
Evan Korb - 12A
Motebang Lehare - 12B1
Makwanyane Lehola 12B1
Ofentse Lerotholi - 12D2
Sephapho Lesenyeho - 12C2
Neo Lesoetsa - 12C1
Rethabile Mahasa - 12B1
Katleho Majola - 12B1
Lenard Makhubela - 12D1
Boitshepo Makoba - 12C1
Tumelo Makutoane - 12D1
Tshepo Malebo - 12B1
Thato Malete - 12C1
Sibusiso Malindi - 12C1
Thato Manaka - 12D1
Vuyo Mangayi - 12B1
Tsepo Maoatsa - 12D1
Mlungisi Maphumulo - 12B1
Tshepo Marabe - 12C1
Enrique Marais - 12A
Andrew Marks - 12A
Tshidiso Marumo - 12C1
Mamello Mathobisa - 12D2
Mthutuzeli Matholengwe - 12B1
Paseka Mazibuko - 12D2
Mohlalefi Mbobo - 12C1
Damian Mda - 12C1
Nkateko Mdaka - 12C1
Kopo Mokatsoane - 12C1
Khahliso Mokhuoane - 12B1
Moketsi Mokolutlo - 12C1
Phehello Mononi - 12C1
Mogoje Moroe - 12C2
Nelson Mosesi - 12C2
Retshedisitswe Moshane - 12B1
Edwin Moshodi - 12C2
Paballo Motaung - 12B2
Prince Motaung - 12D2
Tshepo Mothibe - 12C2
Themba Motibe - 12C2
Kelebogetse Motlhabi - 12B2
Charles Motlohi - 12B2
Tshediso Mpakoanyane - 12D2
Lebohang Mphulanyane - 12B2
Tando Mtengwane - 12B2
Mashudu Mudau - 12D2
Godfrey Narciso - 12C2
Lindani Ndzamo - 12C2
Lindokuhle Ndzamo - 12D2
Thato Nketu - 12D2
Oa-ratoa Nkone - 12D2
Tshaiamo Noe - 12C2
Moeketsi Ntima 12C2
Molefi Ntone - 12D1
Benjamin Oberholzer - 12B2
Baydon Oliphant - 12A
Kruschef Phakane - 12D1
Kabelo Phakoe - 12D1
Lekhetho Phalatsi - 12B2
Tsholofelo Phatshoane - 12B2
Tsekelo Phitisi - 12D1
Molelekoa Phumo - 12C2
Thanduxolo Radebe - 12B2
Kganya Rasentsoere - 12D1
D'angelo Rodgers - 12A
Riccardo Sardinha - 12C2
Tshepang Seabi - 12C2
Hlokosi Semela - 12B2
Refiloe Seutloali - 12D2
Thanda Sibiya - 12C2
Buhle Sikweza - 12C2
Nkesane Soke - 12D2
Ashaan Stenger - 12D2
Lebohang Stuurman - 12B2
Pride Stuurmman - 12D2
Thabo Thakeli - 12C1
Mmetodi Thooe - 12C1
Silasi Tseletsele - 12B2
Tlhakudi Tsoai - 12B2
Rhydwen Tsukudu - 12D2
Nico Van Heerden - 12A
Keith West - 12A
There will also be a hard copy at the entrance of the hall where screening will take place.
These will also be their classes for 2021:
Juan Bam - 12A
Armandt Brand - 12A
Theko Damane - 12D1
Mohapi Die - 12C1
Michael Dikoko - 12D1
Johannes Englebrecht - 12A
Kamohelo Fubu - 12C1
Sonwabile Gawu - 12B1
Thabiso Gomes - 12D1
Marvin Gotso - 12D2
Motjheku Hlapane - 12D1
Jacobus Human - 12A
Mamello Kgaje - 12D1
Abongile Khakhau - 12B1
Reamohetse Khotle - 12B1
Mpho Komoreng - 12D1
Evan Korb - 12A
Motebang Lehare - 12B1
Makwanyane Lehola 12B1
Ofentse Lerotholi - 12D2
Sephapho Lesenyeho - 12C2
Neo Lesoetsa - 12C1
Rethabile Mahasa - 12B1
Katleho Majola - 12B1
Lenard Makhubela - 12D1
Boitshepo Makoba - 12C1
Tumelo Makutoane - 12D1
Tshepo Malebo - 12B1
Thato Malete - 12C1
Sibusiso Malindi - 12C1
Thato Manaka - 12D1
Vuyo Mangayi - 12B1
Tsepo Maoatsa - 12D1
Mlungisi Maphumulo - 12B1
Tshepo Marabe - 12C1
Enrique Marais - 12A
Andrew Marks - 12A
Tshidiso Marumo - 12C1
Mamello Mathobisa - 12D2
Mthutuzeli Matholengwe - 12B1
Paseka Mazibuko - 12D2
Mohlalefi Mbobo - 12C1
Damian Mda - 12C1
Nkateko Mdaka - 12C1
Kopo Mokatsoane - 12C1
Khahliso Mokhuoane - 12B1
Moketsi Mokolutlo - 12C1
Phehello Mononi - 12C1
Mogoje Moroe - 12C2
Nelson Mosesi - 12C2
Retshedisitswe Moshane - 12B1
Edwin Moshodi - 12C2
Paballo Motaung - 12B2
Prince Motaung - 12D2
Tshepo Mothibe - 12C2
Themba Motibe - 12C2
Kelebogetse Motlhabi - 12B2
Charles Motlohi - 12B2
Tshediso Mpakoanyane - 12D2
Lebohang Mphulanyane - 12B2
Tando Mtengwane - 12B2
Mashudu Mudau - 12D2
Godfrey Narciso - 12C2
Lindani Ndzamo - 12C2
Lindokuhle Ndzamo - 12D2
Thato Nketu - 12D2
Oa-ratoa Nkone - 12D2
Tshaiamo Noe - 12C2
Moeketsi Ntima 12C2
Molefi Ntone - 12D1
Benjamin Oberholzer - 12B2
Baydon Oliphant - 12A
Kruschef Phakane - 12D1
Kabelo Phakoe - 12D1
Lekhetho Phalatsi - 12B2
Tsholofelo Phatshoane - 12B2
Tsekelo Phitisi - 12D1
Molelekoa Phumo - 12C2
Thanduxolo Radebe - 12B2
Kganya Rasentsoere - 12D1
D'angelo Rodgers - 12A
Riccardo Sardinha - 12C2
Tshepang Seabi - 12C2
Hlokosi Semela - 12B2
Refiloe Seutloali - 12D2
Thanda Sibiya - 12C2
Buhle Sikweza - 12C2
Nkesane Soke - 12D2
Ashaan Stenger - 12D2
Lebohang Stuurman - 12B2
Pride Stuurmman - 12D2
Thabo Thakeli - 12C1
Mmetodi Thooe - 12C1
Silasi Tseletsele - 12B2
Tlhakudi Tsoai - 12B2
Rhydwen Tsukudu - 12D2
Nico Van Heerden - 12A
Keith West - 12A
See you on Monday
Thursday, 4 February 2021
Important information
Important information of procedures:
Days and times to report to school:
Grade 12 - Monday the 8th February
Grade 11 - Tuesday the 9th February
Grade 10 - Wednesday the 10th February
Grade 9 - Thursday the 11th February
Grade 8 - Friday the 12 February
- Report to school in your school uniform
- Screening will take place from 7am to 8am in the hall
- Learners will receive all their important information and will be put in their new classes.
- Those who want to collect their books must please bring the initial payment of R650.
Bus Times: Odendaalsrus - 06:00, Riebeeckstad - 06:30 (Estimated), Virginia - 07:00 (Estimated).
Feel free to contact the school reception if you have further queries.
Wednesday, 3 February 2021
10 advantages of reading
"Books are the most quiet and lasting friends, the easiest to reach, the wisest counsellors and the most patient teachers." Charles W. Eliot
1. Reading reduces stress
When we read, we are still. We get comfortable. Most people sit while reading. Our bodies do not carry any special movements, they rest. The breathing slows down. We calm down. We imagine ourselves the worlds or situations described by words in the book. While reading we cannot think of other tasks or worries. Because of all this reasons reading does reduce stress.

When we read, we are still. We get comfortable. Most people sit while reading. Our bodies do not carry any special movements, they rest. The breathing slows down. We calm down. We imagine ourselves the worlds or situations described by words in the book. While reading we cannot think of other tasks or worries. Because of all this reasons reading does reduce stress.
2. Reading help us build a better vocabulary
It has been proven that book readers have a richer vocabulary, so for them easier to find the best expression for all that they want to tell others. In general, the more you read, the richer your vocabulary gets. Furthermore, books are definitely a treasure trove of knowledge!
It has been proven that book readers have a richer vocabulary, so for them easier to find the best expression for all that they want to tell others. In general, the more you read, the richer your vocabulary gets. Furthermore, books are definitely a treasure trove of knowledge!
3. Reading stimulates imagination
We are limited only to the extent to which our imagination is limited. When we read about unknown places, our mind itself creates the imaginative images in our heads, rather than simply saving images from small screens in memory. Thus, the imagination and creativity of our minds are being strengthened by reading.
We are limited only to the extent to which our imagination is limited. When we read about unknown places, our mind itself creates the imaginative images in our heads, rather than simply saving images from small screens in memory. Thus, the imagination and creativity of our minds are being strengthened by reading.
4. Reading lights up new ideas
Reading encourages us to think. Sometimes, we even start dreaming based on the content we read. In addition, reading gives us new perspectives, that the reader may not even have thought of itself! Thus, through reading, we get new ideas and inspiration, so that we ourselves may try something new or different, inspired the things we read.
Reading encourages us to think. Sometimes, we even start dreaming based on the content we read. In addition, reading gives us new perspectives, that the reader may not even have thought of itself! Thus, through reading, we get new ideas and inspiration, so that we ourselves may try something new or different, inspired the things we read.
5. Reading improves focus and concentration
While reading, we concentrate on the thoughts of the story or whatever is the content of the book. We usually read longer than we do other tasks. Unlike other activities, we do not run parallel thoughts or "other movies" in our heads while reading. The longer we read, the more concentrated we are. Learning requires concentration, and for this reason, reading books for fun and relaxation is an investment in one's ability to concentrate and it's consequently, a basis for successful learning.
While reading, we concentrate on the thoughts of the story or whatever is the content of the book. We usually read longer than we do other tasks. Unlike other activities, we do not run parallel thoughts or "other movies" in our heads while reading. The longer we read, the more concentrated we are. Learning requires concentration, and for this reason, reading books for fun and relaxation is an investment in one's ability to concentrate and it's consequently, a basis for successful learning.
6. Reading improves your memory
While reading, we usually have more time to think about the things we just read. Reading books offers us the opportunity to stop and take the moment to rethink or reflect on the content we just read. This is not possible during a movie or when listening to the radio.
While reading, we usually have more time to think about the things we just read. Reading books offers us the opportunity to stop and take the moment to rethink or reflect on the content we just read. This is not possible during a movie or when listening to the radio.
7. Reading improves our language skills
Reading in a foreign language does require more effort at the beginning, but it is makes our vocabulary richer. To understand the written, we sometimes need to translate parts of it, sometimes we need to find a word in the dictionary, but sometimes we can understand what is going on just from the context. In any case, reading in a foreign language is another way to enrich our vocabulary and a way we can enhance learning a foreign language. Of course, the text must be an appropriate to the level of the reader's language knowledge. Children have a gift for early language learning - they can pick up the foreign language by listening to it, which is another reason to start early language learning through reading to your child from the multilingual books.
Reading in a foreign language does require more effort at the beginning, but it is makes our vocabulary richer. To understand the written, we sometimes need to translate parts of it, sometimes we need to find a word in the dictionary, but sometimes we can understand what is going on just from the context. In any case, reading in a foreign language is another way to enrich our vocabulary and a way we can enhance learning a foreign language. Of course, the text must be an appropriate to the level of the reader's language knowledge. Children have a gift for early language learning - they can pick up the foreign language by listening to it, which is another reason to start early language learning through reading to your child from the multilingual books.
8. Reading gives us new knowledge
It is true that what we experience gives us best impression, but it is impossible in everyday life to be everywhere and to try out everything. Humans are the only species on Earth that can transmit information and knowledge over a distance and over several generations. A written language separates us from all other species! It enabled us to transfer knowledge rapidly and allows us to develop faster, which in the era of technological progress already exceeds the limits of imagination. So we've been evolving for thousands of years by reading!
It is true that what we experience gives us best impression, but it is impossible in everyday life to be everywhere and to try out everything. Humans are the only species on Earth that can transmit information and knowledge over a distance and over several generations. A written language separates us from all other species! It enabled us to transfer knowledge rapidly and allows us to develop faster, which in the era of technological progress already exceeds the limits of imagination. So we've been evolving for thousands of years by reading!
9. Reading makes you smarter
Books are a real treasure trove of data and new knowledge, and are much cheaper than courses and education. We become more intelligent by reading books, more interesting and appealing. By reading you will become better in communication, you will improve your knowledge on various topics as well as rhetorical skills.
In addition to all of the above, there is another extremely important reading effect:
Books are a real treasure trove of data and new knowledge, and are much cheaper than courses and education. We become more intelligent by reading books, more interesting and appealing. By reading you will become better in communication, you will improve your knowledge on various topics as well as rhetorical skills.
In addition to all of the above, there is another extremely important reading effect:
With all the benefits that come with reading, the book can be an ideal gift for any occasion!
With all the benefits that come with reading, the book can be an ideal gift for any occasion!
Tuesday, 2 February 2021
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