Thursday, 30 September 2021

Education is important: Part 9

The Benefits of Higher Education

1. Career Preparation

Some people know exactly what they want to do once they enter the workforce, and some people may need higher education to get to where they need to be. A college degree is a required prerequisite for a growing number of jobs. Even if you aren’t sure what you want to do after graduation, it is a great benefit to go to college. Higher education will help narrow your interest and refine your skill set, showing you exactly what you are good at and what field you may want to enter.

2. Broader Practical Benefits

Getting a higher education has some practical benefits too. When you look at income research, the evidence is clear that college graduates make much more than their high school degree counterparts. 

3. Personal Development

Students go through a lot of personal development in college. Things such as critical thinking skills, time management, perseverance, communication, and presentation skills are all great assets not only for future work but for personal life as well. College grads get further in life, not just because of the degree they’ve earned, but the experiences they went through.

4. Pursuing a Passion and Desired Field

Pursuing your passion in the form of a college degree is the path that some people take and there is nothing wrong with that. If you really love music, studying music, then find a way to make a career out of it. College will help you get a deeper and more theoretical understanding of your passion and will also open your eyes to possible career paths and mentors.

5. Cognitive and Communication Skills

College students study hard and they study often. They are taught to think alternatively and creatively to solve a problem. As a result, college students have high cognitive ability. 

6. Social Experiences

Don’t forget that college isn’t all studying. The friends you make during college will be the friends you have for life. They can also act as a social net, lifting you up when you are down and encouraging you to do your best in your studies, your profession and in your life. Learning to live with others and work well with others enhances your social skills as well.

Feeling convinced? There are so much more than just these benefits of education we have listed, and it’s not hard to find some that specifically benefit you and what you need in your life.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Friday, 24 September 2021

Heritage day

Heritage day, in Afrikaans called "Erfenisdag"  and in Xhosa called "Usuku lwamagugu - Usuku Lwamasiko." 

We have been raised up knowing that on this month, we celebrate our Heritage. Our diverse Cultures and diverse races. South Africans celebrate the day again by remembering the cultural heritage of the many cultures that make up the population of South Africa. Various events are staged throughout the country to commemorate this day. ... 

What is purpose of Heritage day?

Heritage Day on 24 September recognises and celebrates the cultural wealth of our nation. It educates us on how to honour our God, the Son and the Holy spirit. It encourages us to love ourselves for who we are and where we come from. It further lets us recognise how much beauty there is within ourselves as individuals, families, communities, our country and the world as a whole. 

Heritage Day, once known as Shaka Day, is celebrated in South Africa on September 24th. Shaka Day was originally named in honour of the legendary Zulu king, Shaka Zulu, who convinced multiple Zulu clans to stand together, united against the Boers and the British.

This year, UNESCO has decided on “Complex Pasts: Diverse Futures” as the theme for World Heritage Day celebrations. "The conservation of cultural heritage requires careful examination of the past, and its practice demands provision for the future", the world body said. 

On this day; let us wear our exquisite traditional outfits, eat our deliciously prepared food and be proud of who we are- All Beautiful- All Unique- All Blessed.

To Peace, To Solidarity, To Unity, To Love, To Care, To A Better South Africa, To A Better World

[Alex Manise]

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Monday, 20 September 2021

Sunday, 19 September 2021


A group of engineering students and their teacher were given free air-plane tickets to go on a holiday

Once on the plane, the captain announced that they were on the plane the students had built. Everyone freaked and rushed out of the plane, except for the teacher who stayed there with calm. When the flight attendant asked why he hadn't left, he responded " I know the abilities of my students. This plane won't even start".

[Thank you, Mr. JD van den Berg]

Friday, 17 September 2021


Try these study tips to make learning easier:

1.  Have all your materials ready before you begin studying – pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, etc.

2.  Be positive. Make sure your brain holds onto the information you are learning by reminding yourself how important it is to remember the work and get the marks.

3.  Take a walk outside. A change of scenery will stimulate your learning. You’ll be surprised at how much more you take in after being outside in the fresh air.

4.  Break up your learning sections into manageable parts. Trying to learn too much at one time will only result in a tired, unfocused and anxious brain.

5.  Keep your study sessions short but effective and reward yourself with short, constructive breaks.

6.  Teach your concepts to anyone who will listen. It might feel strange at first, but it is definitely worth reading your revision notes aloud.

7.  Your brain learns well with colours and pictures. Try to use them whenever you can.

8.  Be confident with the learning areas you know well and focus your brain energy on the sections that you find more difficult to take in.

9.  Repetition is the key to retaining information you have to learn. Keep going – don’t give up!

10.  Sleeping at least 8 hours every night, eating properly and drinking plenty of water are all important things you need to do for your brain. Studying for exams is like strenuous exercise, so you must be physically prepared. 

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Monday, 13 September 2021

International Engineers Day

Maandag memories

Sakkie le Roux, 'n Tekkie in murg en been, was een van die beoordelaars by die Automotive-afdeling. Saterdag het hy so 'n paar kosbare staaltjies met Tekkie Tonic gedeel en het hy 'n vinnige voëlvlug oor van die aktiwiteite en insidente van die skool in daardie jare gedeel. 

Sakkie het in 1976 gematrikuleer. In sy dae het die Tegniese Kollege en die skool nog dieselfde terrein gedeel. Dit was voordat die getalle so gegroei het, dat die Kollege geskuif het na die oorkant van die Game-sentrum. Hy kan onthou dat die skoolseuns in 1976 net 380 was, van graad 8-12. Unitas was 'n handelskool en ook 'n meisieskool. Donderdae was 'n hoogtepunt op die kalender van die tegniese, sowel as die handelskool. Donderdae-aande was debataande ... en al die tegniese seuns was aspirerende debatteerders. En ook nie om dowe neute nie - na die debat het "Die Hop" gevolg. Elke seun het met 'n meisie van oorkant aan die arm deur die gange van die skool gehop. Orals is vinnige afdraaipaadjies gevind, voordat die hopaktiwiteit in alle erns hervat is.

Tegniese kompetisie-assistente

Thabang Nyafane (Leseding)
en Lebohang Rakhoabe (HTS)

In die agtergrond sien jy hulle, doenig en altyd daar om te help, die assistente van die Lewjeleputswa  been van die Vrystaatse Tegniese Skole Kompetisie. Dankie vir elke een van julle wat so hard gewerk het en julle Saterdag opgeoffer het. 'n Tekkie "high 5". 

Olereko Motekoane (gr.11) en Unathi Kula (gr 10) was
die assistente. Saam met hulle is een van die

Onthou: Power-point uit die argiewe die 15e


Thursday, 9 September 2021

2021: Top 10 grade 11 - term 2


The Best Seed: A Short Story about Sharing

There once was a farmer who grew the most excellent wheat. Every season he won the award for the best wheat in his county.

A wise woman came to him to ask him about his success.

He told her that the key was sharing his best seed with his neighbours so they could plant the seed as well.

The wise woman asked, “How can you share your best wheat seed with your neighbours when they compete with you every year?”

“That’s simple,” the farmer replied. “The wind spreads the pollen from everyone’s wheat and carries it from field to field. If my neighbours grew inferior wheat, cross-pollination would degrade everyone’s wheat, including mine. If I’m to grow the best wheat, I must help my neighbours grow the best wheat as well.”

This is not only excellent advice for growing the best crops, but also great advice for how to live your life.

If you want to live a meaningful and happy life, help others find happiness.

Remember: The value of your life is measured by the lives you touch with love, kindness, respect, and hope.

[Thank you, JD van den Berg]

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Monday, 6 September 2021

Saturday, 4 September 2021

Friday, 3 September 2021

Wednesday, 1 September 2021


Dankie aan ons 4 kookwater-sekretaresses vir al die ekstra myle wat julle loop. Ons waardeer julle. Mag julle 'n blomdag beleef.