Thursday 17 June 2021


10 Things to do to succeed in the grade 12 examination

*  Study the matric timetable and start to plan now. There are sometimes two exams on one day so you will have to be super sharp and alert. Be sure to check the final timetable in case there are any changes.

*  There are less than 150 school days in grade 12 before the start of final exams. Start today and work every day. Set targets for achievement.

*  Do not miss one day of school between now and your exams. Keep healthy and alert. Listen to your teachers. They have done this before and will help you succeed.

*  Reading is a hot skill. Reading will change your life. Read at least 1 000 words every day. Read everything you can get your hands on. Read accurately and quickly.

*  Writing is power, but it requires practice. We are all judged, every day, on our writing. We can inspire, impress, persuade, congratulate and express love in writing. Write at least 400 words every day carefully, accurately and beautifully.

*  Textbooks are an essential student companion. Have you got a textbook for each subject? Make sure you do and that you work systematically through your textbooks. Don’t wait for your teacher to explain it all. Look at what you must cover for the year and plan accordingly.

*  Your BMI can help you in matric. Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is an indication of how healthy you are. Calculate your BMI and then exercise and eat healthily throughout the year to keep an optimum BMI.

*  Academic work requires concentration and focus. Every day you should be engaged in intensive, focused, individual academic work. Turn off iPods, music centres, the TV, the cell phone and have an intensive and rewarding academic work out every day. Build your brain cells and be the envy of all your friends.

*  Good vibes are good for success. Surround yourself with positive, happy people who want you to succeed. Your family and friends will be important in supporting you in the next 300 days. Be grateful for their support.

*  Success in Grade 12 requires planning and hard work. Start planning and working today. Attend school every day. Do homework every day. Read every day. Write and calculate every day. Stick to your year plan.