Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Monday, 27 June 2022

Orgideë lok glo geluk ...

Blomme praat 'n taal van hul eie, en hulle wat blomtaal verstaan, weet dat blomme o.a. vriendskap, vrede, liefde, dankbaarheid, simpatie geloof, nederigheid, veiligheid en harmonie simboliseer. En as 'n mens die mense wat weet kan glo, is orgideë plante wat geluk lok.

Rika, met bogenoemde in ag genome, wens ons by HTS vir jou goeie geluk vir die toekoms toe.

[Gaan loer HIER vir spanboufoto's!]


"Verander jou wonde in wysheid." - Oprah Winfrey 

Thursday, 23 June 2022

A special thanks to the committee

A big thank you to Johan Herbst, Riana Crauwcamp, Tyrell Bazley and Erick Litjamela for treating us to a wow staff development and team building session. We had a lot of fun and we really enjoyed all the activities, the prizes and the food provided. Thank you for all your hard work these past 2 days. Great work!

Viva Tekkies!

[Click HERE]

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Uit die mond van die jongeling sal jy die waarheid hoor ...

Kinders kan soms met die mees ongelooflike wyshede na vore kom. Miskien is dit die rede hoekom wyshede uit die kind se mond ‘n mens soms so kan verbaas - juis omdat jy dit nie verwag nie. Of dalk omdat die impak van die eerlikheid jou lank later nog tot nadenke stem.

Maandagoggend het pastoor Joshua die opening in die personeelkamer waargeneem. Sy dogtertjie van 7 het haar arm gebrand en moes dit gevolglik baie stil hou. 'n Maandagoggend begin maar altyd blou in 'n huis met klein kindertjies en in hierdie geval is dit geen uitsondering nie. Dié betrokke oggend moes sy haar taak skool toe vat, maar siende dat sy net een "werkende" arm het, en sy dié moes gebruik om die wielietjietas te sleep, gee pastoor sy 11-jarige seuntjie opdrag om die taak vir sy suster te dra. In geen onduidelike lyftaal, hangende skouers, opgeblaasde wange en oë waarin onbereidwilligheid boekdele spreek, sê hy dat hy dit nie kan doen nie. Een van die verskonings was dat sy tas baie swaarder as sy suster s'n is en dat hy reeds verantwoordelik vir sy eie taak is. 

Met die beperkte tyd in die oggend wat elke ouer het om partykeer wonderwerke met onwillige kinders te doen, vra hy vir Amo wat Jesus in hierdie geval sou doen? En sonder huiwering sê hy dat Jesus vir Botle gesond sou maak, sodat sy haar eie projek skool toe kan vat ...


Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Die hartedief van die skool ...

Iemand wat iets steel, is 'n dief, maar iemand of iets wat harte steel, is 'n hartedief. Die afgelope maand loop daar 'n hartedief op vier bene by die skool rond en as Croukies nie waaksaam gaan wees nie, gaan Rommel hom inruil. Rommel het agtergekom dat hy nie 'n poot voor die ander hoef te sit, as van die dames in die omgewing is nie - hy sit lekker gerieflik op iemand se arm en bekyk die wêreld vanuit die hoogte. 

Op hierdie stadium is Rommel se domein die finansiële kantoor, waar hy 'n wakende oog oor die besoekers kan hou, as hy nie so gereeld indommel nie. 

Ons hier by die redaksie wil nou nie slapende honde wakker maak nie, maar ons het egter hond se gedagtes oor hierdie nuwe toevoeging tot die Crauwcamp-huishouding. Almal ken die uitdrukking: "Kommandeer jou eie honde en blaf self."  Ons vermoed egter Rommel het hierdie uitdrukking sy eie gemaak en dit aangepas ... dalk iets soos: "Kommandeer jou eie mense en gee bevele."

Happy half year

Monday, 20 June 2022

Rika, die wiskunde departement gaan jou mis ...

Klik HIER vir foto's


“Dit is nie waar jy vandaan kom nie. Dit is waarheen jy gaan, wat tel.” - Ella Fitzgerald

Saturday, 18 June 2022

Happy Father's Day to our caring teachers ...

“On the occasion of Father’s Day, we wish all our male teachers warm wishes on Father’s Day for all the love they have showered us with each and every day.”

AND ... 

Warm wishes to our new Principal. We are happy that we have a principal like you who always supports and appreciates us in life.

Father's day: Fathers are gifts from the universe ...

God's truest reflection in human form is a father ...  just as He is love, so are our fathers. 
Their love is sacrificial as they go out their way to provide comfortable lives for their families with all needs catered for.
They strive to be the best at everything so they can be inspirations to their offspring.
Their love has a gentle side to it too, this is seen through the magic of a father and child bond.
A few moments spent with them feel like a lifetime.
Just as the "fruits" are derived from the "father", the precious gems derive their beautiful souls with amazing capabilities from their fathers.
Even when no more, a father's legacy continues throughout a generation, they are the gift that keeps on giving.
Fathers who are active and present even from the other side deserve all recognition and adoration too. They are gifts from the universe ...
[Thank you, Shaun.]

Friday, 17 June 2022

Leer ken die mens agter HTS se nuwe hoof

Gaan loer in hierdie week se Vista na die interessante artikel oor mnr. Rodgers. Klik HIER vir die artikel.

Essay examples

Click HERE for a few easy essay examples. This will help you with paper 3. Enjoy!

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Youth day: What can we learn from the youth of 1976?

Me Mimi Makgitla:
one of the youth!
Youth Day is celebrated annually on 16 June as a reminder of the importance of the youth and their voices. Being a young person in South Africa is different for everyone, and there are a lot of factors influencing it. 

What Can We Learn From The Youth Of 1976?

Collaboration is important ...
Women can lead ...
It is important for you to have an engaging voice ...

Happy youth day

Shaun Mmutsi
"Look at the sun, look how it shines for you." 

It's no secret that the world cares very little about young people even if we are the leaders of tomorrow. This is why if you ever want to be great  it has to start within you.  This goes to students specially. Ensure in your years of school you take advantage of any opportunity to acquire skills and good networking for your future for being skilled is one thing, securing a good life that benefits those around you as well is a different curriculum. Happy youth day.

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Opening met 'n verskil

Me Alexander het 'n spesiale opening vir die Tekkie-personeel in gebaretaal gehou. Dankie, me Alexander dat jy ook vir ons 'n kykie in die wêreld van die gehoorgestremde gegee het. Klik HIER om na die video te kyk. Besoek gerus ook HTS se FB om op hoogte te kom van al die gebeure. 


Monday, 13 June 2022


“Laat geen steen onaangeroer nie.” - Euripides

Sunday, 12 June 2022

2022: Wisdom

Click HERE for more.

Congratulations to our Debating Team!

This is the HTS Debating team with Shaun Mmutsi as the coach and Caryn Petersen as the coordinator, at their end term tournament. They won 2 of the 3 debates and Nhlanhla Radebe was the team's best speaker ... From the back (left): Bulelani Radebe, Shaun as the coach, Caryn as the coordinator and Lesedi Motsoane. From the left front: Juhan Van Heerden, and Nhlanhla Radebe. The tournament was held on the 21st May 2022 at Henties Cilliers High School in Virginia. 

Well done to our debating team who have worked so hard to prepare for many debates. We are proud of you!

Monday, 6 June 2022


“Die lewe is soos om fiets te ry. Om jou balans te behou, moet jy aanhou beweeg.” - Albert Einstein

HTS Welkom THS - Vacancies

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Tekkies, are you ready?

Technical High School’s principal, Mr Rodgers, is dedicated to giving his matric pupils the best opportunity to study and pass their important end of year exams. Therefore, we host our matrics in a boarding-school environment for the June exams, and provide a live-in, study that is conducive to adequate matric exam preparation. 

The hostel is a safe and quiet space where students can learn together, receive extra lessons, and receive 3 meals a day. Many of these learners share a home with relatives and do not have a quiet place to study – the matric camp allows them to get into a routine where they get meals 3 times a day, set study times and the bonus of having teachers who can assist with tutoring.

Sunday thoughts: Make someone happy ...

Saturday, 4 June 2022

Tekkies' chairman and deputy chairman

Tekkies, your matric jersey can serve as a reminder of all the hard work and effort you have put in to get this far. Work hard and be proud.
Hendrew Rantsie and Karabo Tsotsotso

Symbolism of a Matric Jersey

Matric pupils have the privilege of wearing the white jersey or pullover. Something that says, ‘You’ve made it to Matric’. 

Tendai Mlambo, Morena Mokoteli,
Lwandiso Lose, Simbongile Bani
en Musa Memela
Morena Mokoteli, Musa Memela,
Tshepo Gaoraelwe, Tendai Mlambo, Siphesihle
Mngomezulu, Thamsanqa Mmutlanyana
en Simbongile Bani.

Friday, 3 June 2022

Administrasie? Frustrasie? Konsternasie?

Somtyds, net somtyds, dwing al die admin 'n mens op jou knieë. Hier het die redaksie mnr. Johann van den Berg, een oggend vroeg, op sy knieë voor die personeelregister gevind. 

2022: Wyshede en waarhede

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Wednesday, 1 June 2022