Sunday 30 June 2024

Statistiek: 205 000 e-kuiers

They made us who we are ...

Why steal from them if they give us everything
Why kill them if they're the ones who gave us life
Why terrorise them if they kept us safe since birth
Why are they not safe even when in their homes

Why do we not realise that it is our turn
Our turn to take care of them
Our turn to stop abusing them
Our turn to say no to their killings

Our turn to be urged to take charge
Be urged to protect the kind that gave you life
Be urged to be a good example for your son or pals
Be urged not leave a void in someone's heart

Let us protect them, let us love them

They are our mothers, our sisters

[By Kgosana Moeketsi]

Friday 28 June 2024

Flashback Friday: 2010 Wetenskapweek - Bloemfontein

Boyden Sterrewag
Mnre. Henry Welman (vakadviseur), Deon Fourie
(HTS Welkom), prof. Matie Hoffman (UOVS), Joseph Nkone
(Welkom High) en Molise Mphuthi (Leseding Thabong) 

Thursday 27 June 2024

Dink daaroor ...

Vir ons onderwysers ...

Hulle wat ons kinders leer
en hul gedagtes met feite
en idees fatsoeneer
wat deel in hulle prestasies.

Hulle wat raad gee en
'n liefde vir kennis inspireer,
waar hul waarheid die pad verlig
waar die jonges nog moet leer.

Want die toekoms skitter blink met elke les
en elke glimlag wat hulle verleng.
Nooit doen hulle minder as hulle bes
met elke doel wat hulle help bereik.

Want die opkoms van menige digter,
Koning of filosoof
het begin met 'n onderwyser
en die Wysheid wat hulle bring!


Wednesday 26 June 2024

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Doodgewoon vir die Here

Bron: Netwerk24, 21 November 2022

[Dankie, Valerie Kilian, wat dit met die lesers deel!]

Monday 24 June 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

Q: Teacher: You missed school yesterday, didn't you?
A: Student: Not really.


"My English teacher said I had to write 1000 words on the new Margaret Atwood novel. I managed about 50 before the librarian snatched it back off me."

“What do you get when you cross a Software Engineer with an English teacher? A programmar.”

Thursday 20 June 2024

Statistiek: 204 000 e-kuiers

Dink daaroor ...


As jy dink jy is verslaan, dan is jy ...
As jy dink jy durf nie, dan kan jy nie ...
As jy graag wil wen, maar dink jy kan nie,
is dit 'n uitgemaakte saak, jy sal nie ...
Sukses begin met 'n mens se wil,
dit is alles net 'n denkpatroon.

Die wenner van die lewe se geveg
gaan nie altyd na die sterker
of die vinniger man nie.
Maar gouer of later is die man wat wen
die een wat dink
hy kan.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Monday 17 June 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

Jannie gee sy laatkombriefie vir sy onderwyser: "Juffrou, dis sommer ook die taak wat ek vandag moet ingee vir die kreatiewe skryfopdrag."


Juffrou vir haar klas: "Geen huiswerk vir die eerste een wat my kan wys hoe werk my nuwe selfoon."


Sandra vir haar ma: "Die juffrou sê ek gee nie genoeg aandag in die klas nie. Of ... ek dink dis wat sy gesê het."

Sunday 16 June 2024

Poem: Juvenile

Time the ferocious swindler
That sits ticking on my hand
With every second that passes
Glides along my personable lad.

My Spring days are majestic,
With min friends I remain optimistic, 
of a future that is as young as I,
But soon changes by the hands of time.

Seconds into minutes my hunky appearance dwindle.
I resent the moments of sedentary, for time has saunterd
Into the land of sob and no laughter.
For now I witness fall by the scent of autumn.

And I can't return to the days
Of spring and laughter.
'Tomorrow' lie in the hands of juvenescence
For I wish it could be seen, like time on hand revolve on every hour.

[Israel Xaba: 16 June 2024]

[Click HERE for some more poems.]

Youth Day 16 June

Happy Father's day

Friday 14 June 2024

It's time for holiday!

We would like to wish all our staff and learners a happy and safe holiday. It has been quite a busy and productive second term for everybody.
Grade 12's study hard to pass your matric. Own your success. And follow the Tips for success on Tekkie Tonic!

Flashback Friday: Drug cycle destroys

Some of the disgruntled residents who convened for the march on 29 September are from the left, front: Lukhanyo Sam, Kananelo Motaung, Veronica Kolobi, Nomsa Marchesi, Segomotso Morakabi, Benedict Mphuke, Dieketseng Mokubung, Khotso Moeletsi and Bonolo Matsekane; back: Ivansha van Wyk, Lehlohonolo Koaho, Katlego Shuping, Antoinette van Rooyen, Lihle Xaba, Chardonnay Coockham and Teboho Henson.

Click HERE  - Vista article 12 October 2023 - and HERE and HERE!

Wednesday 12 June 2024

More Than a Number

[Music by Barry Lane & Lyrics by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater (2012)]

I am quiet in the classroom.
I don’t always raise my hand.
I don’t always answer questions.
I don’t always understand.
But I always have ideas
when I stare up at the sky.
My sister likes to tease me
for always asking, “Why?”

I am more than a number.
I am more than a grade.
I know the constellations.
Here’s a painting that I made.
I read books in my closet.
I will not be a ‘2’.
I am more than a number.
I’m a person just like you.

I speak one language here
and another in my home.
I daydream in both languages
whenever I’m alone.
I’m good at climbing trees.
Mom’s teaching me to sew.
I am full of secrets
a test can never know.

I am more than a number.
Watch me fold this plane.
I snuggle with my beagle.
There’s music in my brain.
Someday I’ll go to Egypt.
I will never be a ‘2’.
I am more than a number.
I’m a person just like you.

If you think I can be measured
by numbers on a screen …
… if my whole school becomes a test
where will I learn to dream?
I love to do hard problems.
I write stories, and I laugh.
My gifts are so much greater
than the data on your graph.

I’m more than a number.
I invent things when I play.
I collect shells and fossils.
Please hear me when I say
I will not be a ‘1’–
a ‘2’, a ‘3’, or a ‘4’.
I am me. I’m a mystery.
I’m a child – not a score.

Click HERE for more poems and songs.

Click HERE for more info and albums.

Click HERE for the podcast: Writing as healing with Barry Lane. 

[Thank you, Thabo for sharing.]

Monday 10 June 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...


1. 5 ants + 5 ants = Tenants
2. To bring an ant from another country into your country = Important
3. Ant that goes to school = Brilliant
4. Ant that is looking for a job = Applicant
5. A spy ant = Informant
6. A very little ant = Infant
7. An ant that uses a gun = Militant
8. An ant that is a specialist = Consultant
9. A proud ant = Arrogant
10. An ant that is cruel and oppressive = Tyrant
11. An ant that is friendly and lovely = Coolant
12. An ant that has changed from evil to good deeds = Repentant
13. An ant that accumulated so much food in summer for use in winter = Abundant
14. An ant that isn’t willing = Reluctant
15. An ant that keeps financial account = Accountant
16. An ant that occupies a flat = Occupant
17. A huge ant = Giant
18. An ant that is important = Significant
19. An ant that has big legs = Elephant
20. A sarcastic ant = Mordant
21. An extremely fast ant = Instant
22. A noisy ant = Rant
23. An ant that doesn't keep moving = Constant
24. A dirty ant = Pollutant
25. An ant that annoys = Irritant
26. An ant that lacks knowledge= Ignorant
27. An ant that can take anything without complaining= Tolerant
28. An ant that wastes resources= Extravagant
29. A very careful ant = Vigilant
30. An ant that maintains good odour = Deodorant
31. An ant that finds it hard to move = adamant
32. An ant that refused to move = Redundant
33. An ant that is into business = Merchant
34. A Political ant = Aspirant
35. An ant that sues someone to court= Complainant
36. A happy ant = Jubilant
37. An ant that is patient = tolerant
38. An ant that does not cooperate = recalcitrant
39. An ant that doesn't agree easily = reluctant
40.An ant that runs away from school unjustified = Truant

[Contributed by Marguerite Pienaar.] 

Saturday 8 June 2024

1st place in Bloemfontein Eskom Expo

THS took 1st place in Bloemfontein Eskom Expo for young people on the 9th and 10th of May in Bloemfontein. This was a competition open to all Free State schools. They won a cash prize of R10 000 for the school. Lihle Xaba and Nkosi Kutyunga built and modified a water filter project.

Friday 7 June 2024

Flashback Friday: Sibusiso Tshabalala

['n Kort uittreksel van 'n artikel wat in die Volksblad verskyn het in 2012]

Dié Kovsie maak tans groot opslae en sal binnekort in die geselskap van Richard Branson en Stephen Hawking wees, maar watter tipe tandepasta gebruik hy? Estée de Villiers het hom ’n paar interessante vrae gevra ...

SIBUSISO TSHABALALA is ’n naam om te onthou.

Dié Vrystater is bestem vir groot dinge. Sy projek wat geletterdheid, redenaarskuns en kritiese denke onder minder bevoorregte leerlinge bevorder, het hom ’n kaartjie na Google se Young Minds-konferensie van 20 tot 22 Mei in Londen besorg.

Dié derdejaar is 'n student in B.Com.-regte aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV). Watter tipe tandepasta gebruik jy?

Wat is jou gunstelingkleur en -jogurtgeur?
Blou, en natuurlike jogurt.

Wat is jou gunstelingaanhaling of -motto?
Goodwill and gratitude wherever you go.

As jy enige dier kon wees, wat sou jy wees?
Ek sou ’n hiëna wou wees. Hulle is noukeurig en gefokus.

As daar een ding was wat jy van Suid-Afrika kon verander, wat sou dit wees?
Middelmatigheid. Dit het ’n nasionale imperatief in ons land geword, dit is ingewortel in ons mense se denkwyses.

Watter sportsoort geniet jy om te speel?
Ek speel nie sport nie, maar ek beny krieketspelers.

Watter boek sou jy vir mense aanbeveel om te lees?
Paulo Coelho se The Aleph. Dit is ’n fassinerend verhaal van ons vrese, drome en ons verlede. Enige boek deur Coelho is die moeite werd.

Waarheen sal jy volgende wil reis?
Ek wil graag deur die hele Afrika toer. Die antieke hoofstad van Afrika-kennis, Timboektoe in Mali is ’n plek om te sien!

Beste mens om te volg op Twitter?

Watter tipe musiek verkies jy?
Enigiets wat goed op die ore is, werk vir my. Ek het onlangs begin luister na Indie-musiek, soos James Vincent McMorrow. Kimbra en Goyte hou my verstandig. Die Afrika-soul-jazz- kunstenaar Asa is ook goed. Andersins hou hip-hop en jazz my aan die gang.

Wat is die beste raad wat jy nog gekry het?
Wat ander mense van jou dink, het niks met jou uit te waai nie.

- Volksblad

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Congratulations, Sibusiso

This is a extract from the e-mail that Naspers sent to Tshabbies' new colleagues to introduce him. He was apppointed as Head of Communication and Public Policy from the 1st of June 2024. 

Congratulations, Tshabbies, the school is proud of you and greet you with the school's motto:                                                                                          Sapientia Aurum Que E Profundis!

Monday 3 June 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

Onderwyser: "Hoekom is jy so laat?" 
Jenny: "Jammer, Juffrou, ek het verslaap."
Onderwyser: "Wil jy vir my sê jy slaap by die huis ook?"


Onderwyser: "Jou gedig is onaanvaarbaar! Vol taalfoute en vloekwoorde - in swak smaak! Ek het vir jou pa 'n briefie geskryf hieroor wat jy vir hom moet gee om te lees en te teken."
James: "Ek dink nie dit gaan help nie, Juffrou. Hy het dit geskryf." 


Taalonderwyser: "Jan, luister nou mooi na die volgende sin: Die pa seën sy agt kinders. Is dit in die lydende vorm of in die bedrywende vorm gestel?"
Jan: "Bedrywende vorm, Meneer."
Taalonderwyser: "Goed, en wat sou dan die lydende vorm wees?"  
Jan: "Die pa is met agt kinders geseën."