Tuesday, 14 January 2025

3 + 2 New Year’s Study Tips for Learners

Get on the road to exam success from the start with these 3 + 2 study tips:

Study Tip #4
Understand What Motivates You: Understanding what motivates you to study may be the deciding factor for maintaining your energy and sticking to your study plans. The New Year can instill people with that intense fire to change aspects of their lives but after a few weeks this can peter away and you can fall back into old routines. If you take the time to understand what motivates you then you can use this throughout the year.

What motivates you will be different for everyone. For some lucky people the desire to achieve good results is enough but others may be motivated by the fact they want to go to a particular University or study a particular course and need to achieve certain results in order to do so. Others may be motivated by more abstract ideas such as ‘studying what interests them’ or mastering a particular skill. Whatever it is that motivates you doesn’t really matter, what is important is understanding what does and harnessing this whenever you feel your energy wane.

Study Tip #5
Don’t Burnout: Even if you adopt the study tips above, it’s still possible to burnout. That is why it is important to always make time for your family and friends. It’s also vital that you make time for yourself, time to just relax and to partake in your hobbies.

For your study plan to be realistic it must facilitate your ability to live a full life. Getting the balance right is important. Having a plan in place will also allow you to enjoy your free time more. You’ll no longer suddenly panic and break out in a cold sweat because you will know what you have covered and what you still have to cover (and importantly when you will be covering it!).

The most important tip we can give you is to have the right attitude. If you remain positive and believe that you can conquer your fears you can do it!

Take these study tips with you into the New Year and prepare for your exams in the right way. Take them on board and this time next year you’ll be celebrating your exam success!

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