Monday 3 September 2018


*  A man was climbing a very steep mountain. As he was ascending a strong wind blow him off and he fell.

*  As he fell there was a little branch that stick out of the rocks and he grabbed onto it.

*  He looked up and said: God help me!

*  A voice came gently to him and asked him: “Do you trust me?”

*  The voice came back and said: “Let go”

*  It is a story to tell us – “Let go”

*  If we really want to improve our relationships we need to “Let go”

*  We need to learn to love others with open hands.

*  We need to learn to let go in love. It is a challenge for every one of us!

*  God loves us with open hands. Do you realize it? He always loves people freely.

*  If we love with open hands and “let go” everything changes.

*  There is a challenge in the gospel and that is to love each other in the same way that Jesus loves us!

*  In our relationships to love others with open hands, to “let go” of others.

*  Sometimes it is someone that do not respond the way you like it to be!

*  Let go so that the other person has the space that they need.

*  We create the space in our lives for the Holy Spirit to do the work.

*  Learn to love people with open hands!!!