Vusi Thembekwayo, creator, venture capitalist, global business speaker, CEO and Multimillionare, hosted the first ever MyGrowthFund Business and Entrepreneurship Masterclass in Bloemfontein this past Saturday on Freedom day. Over 600 entrepreneurs from across the province gathered to absorb some of Vusi’s entrepreneurial wisdom. Our very own Alex Manise (grade 11 learner), Mr Fanie Pretorius and Mr Lesala Khetheng attended the esteemed event with the hopes of receiving inspiration from one of SA’s greatest entrepreneurial minds Vusi Thembekwayo.
Vusi spoke about business models that work in South Africa, the 21 century and what route entrepreneurs should be taking to better shape Africa for Africans. He highlighted: “Africa’s greatest challenge is communication.” Getting goods from one part of Africa to another still needs to be improved. He further stated that African entrepreneurs need to abolish the mind set of entitlement; “the words FREE and RIGHT” must not be used by entrepreneurs who want to create or ignite change in Africa. They should rather focus on building themselves and working on their ideas. “If you are not okay, your business will not be okay.”
Entrepreneurship is a lonely path therefore entrepreneurs need to be prepared to endure the loneliness. They need to be prepared to start scrappy so that they can make all the mistakes possible while small, as their ventures grow, they will know exactly how to go about it.
Do not worry about scars, scars are the times the world declared war against you and lost! All it could leave was a scar, but you won.