Tuesday, 31 May 2022
7 Tips to Revise for Exams

Whatever your age, the secret to exam success is preparation. You must start early!
1. Plan your time
Look at your exam timetable and plan out the weeks and days ahead to make the most of your free time and allocate revision time sensibly.
2. Create a Study space
If you want to help your concentration, you need a place that is free from distractions.
3. Take a break
Experts suggest that you need a 5 or 10 min break every hour for your brain to retain information and work effectively. Use your breaks to grab a healthy snack, make a drink or get outside for some fresh air.
Experts suggest that you need a 5 or 10 min break every hour for your brain to retain information and work effectively. Use your breaks to grab a healthy snack, make a drink or get outside for some fresh air.
4. Relax
It is normal to feel stressed when under pressure to perform in your exams. You can help reduce the effects of stress by introducing relaxation techniques.
It is normal to feel stressed when under pressure to perform in your exams. You can help reduce the effects of stress by introducing relaxation techniques.
5. Use some Revision Strategies
Experiment to find out what strategies are helpful to you.
6. Last-minute RevisionExperiment to find out what strategies are helpful to you.
- Highlighter pens, paper, cards and post-it notes are great tools.
- Flashcards: Summarise key points onto cards to use as memory prompts. You can take these with you to use at any time.
- Memory aids: If you need to memorise some facts or rules, you can help yourself with diagrams, flow charts or mind maps.
- Practice Questions: These help you get into the swing of the exam format and practise under timed conditions.
- Revise with a friend: Sometimes, it can be helpful to study with other people, especially where you can talk through complex concepts to make them more straightforward or quiz each other to test your memory. Choose your revision buddy wisely!
The night before the exam is too late to learn anything new, but you can pull out your flashcards to review some essential information.
Once you have refreshed your memory, put your revision material away so you can take some time to relax and get a good night’s sleep.
7. On the Day
Set your alarm to get up in plenty of time to eat a good breakfast. You don’t want to turn up stressed or hungry.
Remind yourself about the exam format before you go into the exam to be familiar with any special guidelines. Check you have all the right equipment for the exam, including the right pen colour.
When you enter the room, focus on breathing naturally to combat any nerves. Check you can see the clock to keep an eye on your time. When it is time to start, spend some time reading the instructions carefully, so you answer the right questions. It’s easy to get this wrong when you are anxious.
Although it seems like the most important thing right now, you can only do your best when you are in the exam room. Try not to dwell on it once you have finished, as it can affect your performance in your other exams.
Good Luck, Guys!
Set your alarm to get up in plenty of time to eat a good breakfast. You don’t want to turn up stressed or hungry.
Remind yourself about the exam format before you go into the exam to be familiar with any special guidelines. Check you have all the right equipment for the exam, including the right pen colour.
When you enter the room, focus on breathing naturally to combat any nerves. Check you can see the clock to keep an eye on your time. When it is time to start, spend some time reading the instructions carefully, so you answer the right questions. It’s easy to get this wrong when you are anxious.
Although it seems like the most important thing right now, you can only do your best when you are in the exam room. Try not to dwell on it once you have finished, as it can affect your performance in your other exams.
Good Luck, Guys!
HTS Welkom THS - Vacancies
Email CV to admin@htswelkom.co.za
You can also hand deliver to 91 Volks Road, Welkom.
Monday, 30 May 2022
Sunday, 29 May 2022
Saturday, 28 May 2022
Thursday, 26 May 2022
HTS vs Unitas 33-9
In what should be a rivalry between neighbouring schools, the match didn't disappoint. The match was full of jubilation from both ends of the court but most importantly was the display of passion, discipline and work ethic.
Coach Moloi said: "School athletes want to display their talents and we as teachers, coaches and managers, we have a responsibility to provide a safe, equal platform."
HTS vs Leseding 22-5
Congratulations to our basketball team. You did your best as
a team and you made the school proud!
Photos: Sipho Mhlaba; Article: Jabulani Mthombeni
Baie geluk aan hierdie gedugte tennisspan wat ore vir hulle opponente aangesit het. Die viermanskap is Gert Stemmet, George Terblanche, Katleho Matjoi en Kutlwano Masakale. Hulle het 46/21 teen St. Andrews gewen. Baie sterkte vir môre se laaste ligawedstryd teen Welkom High. Ons hier by Tekkie Tonic hou ons duime vas. Baie dankie ook aan mev. Bo-dine Minne vir al haar insette as afrigter!
Afrikaans: Vraestelle en ekstra oefening
Klik HIER vir AFRIKAANSE vraestelle en memo's!!
HULP is so naby soos 'n gedagte van jou af!
(Onthou die kansvatter in Rondom my??)
Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Monday, 23 May 2022
Sunday, 22 May 2022
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
Tuesday, 17 May 2022
Monday, 16 May 2022
Sunday, 15 May 2022
Saturday, 14 May 2022
Houding is 'n bepalende faktor
Thabo Tladi, kaptein van die tweede rugbyspan en Oratile Maneng, afrigter van genoemde span is baie positief oor hulle span se vordering.
Op 'n vraag aan hulle kaptein of hulle 'n kans staan teen die ander skole, was sy antwoord dat die vraag verkeerd gevra word.
Eintlik moet daar gevra word of die ander skole 'n kans teen hulle het ... Dit is die tipe houding wat 'n sportman nog ver in die lewe sal bring.
Bothaville Hoërskool 5 - HTS 19
Unitas 0 - HTS 19
Friday, 13 May 2022
Die keuse van 'n loopbaan begin reeds baie vroeg in 'n kind lewe. Onbewustelik soek 'n kleuter na 'n rolmodel en soms word hulle oorvloei met al die indrukke wat hulle op TV sien, by kleuterskole hoor, asook die gesprekke tussen ouer boeties en sussies, en gesprekke tussen ouers en grootmense en so word jou eerste loopbaankeuse gebore, wat nog dikwels en drasties gaan verander.
Bewusmaking van loopbaankeuses is so belangrik en vandag se foto'tjies wat op Tekkie Tonic se tafel beland het, spreek boekdele.
Die eerste afleiding wat gemaak kan word, is dat die ouer(s) se beroep 'n indruk op Luan gemaak het. Sy pa is sy rolmodel en daarom wil hy graag 'n meneer word.
Die tweede baie belangrike afleiding is dat regte omgee-onderwysers gebore word en reeds vroeg al besef dat dit my loopbaankeuse is. Sterkte met jou skoolloopbaan, Luan, jy gaan nog baie van plan verander, maar 'n mens kom dikwels terug na jou eerste keuse! Hoop jy het jou dag geniet!!
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Mojalefa's passion is community work!
A few questions for the young man on this topic:
It will enrich your life, familiarize you with your community, and connect you to people and ideas that will positively impact your perspective for the rest of your life. Helping your community is an opportunity for you to grow as a person, to better understand how you fit into the world around you.
What motivates you to work community?
Well, people volunteer for a range of different reasons. Some of these reasons include making a difference to the community they live in, a chance to make new friends, building and strengthening new and existing social networks.
What are your goals of community service?
To foster a sense of belonging and togetherness among individuals within the community who are in the vicinity, and to nurture and apply the knowledge, skills and practice of civic values within each individual.
Monday, 9 May 2022
Thursday, 5 May 2022
Baie geluk, Meneer!
Baie geluk met jou honneursgraad in onderwysbestuur, mnr. Johan Herbst. Tekkies
is sommer baie trots op jou! 'n Graad wat 'n mens in die steelure van die nag
moes doen, omdat jy altyd jou beste by die werk gee, ekstra klasse oor naweke en
vakansies gee en dan ook nog betrokke is by buitemuurs, vra meer as net die ekstra
myl. In die klein ure van die nag, as almal al slaap, is dit net jy, jou boeke
en jou bekommernisse en wonder jy dikwels hoekom jy dit aan jouself doen. Maar
op 'n dag soos vandag, as jy die toga om jou skouers hang en die graad in jou
hande vashou, dan weet jy dat die min slaap, die baie sweet en die stilstand in
jou sosiale lewe deur en deur die moeite werd was. Ons hoop dat hierdie maar
net die begin is van nog 'n string grade en dat dr. Herbst eendag vir ons die
vinger op die onderwyswond kan lê. Baie geluk!!
Wednesday, 4 May 2022
Monday, 2 May 2022
Afrikaans: Vraestelle en ekstra oefening
Klik HIER vir Afrikaanse NSS-vraestelle: 2018-2021
Klik HIER vir LYDENDE en BEDRYWENDE VORM (Skryf die sinne neer en oefen)
Klik HIER vir DIREKTE en INDIREKTE REDE (Daar is 'n prys vir die leerder wat 'n spelfoutjie kan identifiseer.)
Klik HIER vir DIREKTE en INDIREKTE REDE (Engelse verduideliking)
Klik HIER vir DIREKTE en INDIREKTE REDE (Afrikaanse verduideliking)
Sunday, 1 May 2022
Viva werkersdag!! Viva matrieks!
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