Friday 30 August 2024

Mathematics Olympiad

The following learners took part in the Mathematics Olympiad today:
1. Atlehang Moroeng
2. Atlehang Nkone
3. Kamogelo Masokanye
4. Neo Meje
5. Inga Tshoki
6. Nkateko Timbe
7. Neo Seleke

[Click HERE for a lot of news!]

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Tips for third term

Study Tips for Finals

1. Make a revision plan!
2. Have a quick read through your notes
3. Use past papers (if possible)
4. Know your learning style
5. Different revision techniques work for different units
7. Summaries
1. Don’t make “all-nighters” a habit.
2. Learn to say “Yes!” … and “No.”
3. When help is offered, take it!
4. Take things one step at a time
1. Be the explainer.
2. Have a study buddy? Don't split the work.
3. Turn the TV and the music off.
4. Read it. Write it. Say it.

Monday 26 August 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

"Kosie," sê die juffrou, "as ek R500 vir jou pa leen en hy moet my terugbetaal teen R50 per week, hoeveel sal hy my ná tien weke skuld?"
"R500," sê Kosie.
"Jy ken nie jou tafels nie!" raas die juffrou.
"En juffrou ken nie my pa nie!" 
Juffrou: "Jannie, kyk hoe fluks is die mier. Hy werk die hele dag sonder om te kla."
Jannie: "En dan trap iemand op hom, Juffrou."
Onderwyser: "Gee vir my 'n voorbeeld van toeval."
Sarel: "My ma en pa is op dieselfde dag getroud." 

Friday 23 August 2024

Like, Comment and Share this picture to stand a chance to WIN!

Click HERE for more info!

Poem: Unwell

I smile to the world for it knows nothing
Of my cries nor it's thorns that hurt me.
It's trees are of beauty
For they attract many I see.

There they stood
And here they stay
For they are brawny
Rooted and Great

The wind is uncertain
For it's as my life, for I live as it comes
And reap solidity of coming times

In the heat of the star.
In such days I awake to win,
For in it comes delight
Where memories are made fun.

Why is it I speak by tears,
Accompanied by quavering voice?

Is it of the worlds spears or the thoughts of sly men?

For I have met many with gerund
Smiles and character
That dissemble motive.

Flashback Friday: 2024 graad 8's - eerste dag van skool

Thursday 22 August 2024

Think about it ...

Opt for productivity over endless scrolling! Taking a break from social media to focus on real-life goals and make every moment count. Be present and productive.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Tekkies skenk bloed en red 'n paar lewens

Tips for third term

Is it better to sleep late or wake up early to study?

Getting a good night's rest is definitely important, but sleep can also help with the recall of study material. Especially on those exams for which you only study once, it is better to stay up late and get some sleep after memorizing terms than to wake up early and cram.

Is it better to cram or sleep?
When it comes to retaining new information, napping has been proven to be even more effective than cramming. There is a delicate balance between napping just enough and napping too much, though. Limit your naps to 20 to 30 minutes, and plan for naps to end by late afternoon.

How to prepare for the final exam?
* Make the Most of Class Time.
* Study with Classmates.
* Take Advantage of School Hours.
* Create Flashcards.
* Find a Good Spot.
* Read and Review - Early and Often.
* Stay Organized.

How can I study 10x faster?
* Take handwritten notes.
* Say it out loud.
* Try self-testing.
* Teach the information to someone else.
* Space out your review sessions.
Change your practice technique each day.

[To be continued - 27/08/2024] 

Monday 19 August 2024

Tekkies het 'n nuwe FB - word deel van al ons doen en late

Klik HIER vir 'n nuwe kuierervaring!!

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

Die juffrou betrap een van die seuntjies in haar klas dat hy lelik praat. 
"Wayne,"sê sy, "jy moenie so lelik praat nie. Waar leer jy sulke woorde?"
"My pa het so gesê," antwoord Wayne.
"Ag, dit maak seker nie saak nie, want jy weet tog nie wat dit beteken nie"
"Ek weet tog, juffrou," help Wayne haar reg. "Dit beteken die kar wil nie vat nie."


Pa, ek het goeie nuus. Pa hoef nie weer vir my boeke te koop vir volgende jaar nie. Ek gebruik sommer hierdie jaar s'n.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Annual Skills Competition

District management team gives stamp of approval for skills competition. Exciting times at HTS Welkom as we are busy hosting the annual Skills Competition that is supported by the Department of Education!

Students are showcasing their talents across welding, construction, automotive, and EGD.
Stay tuned for more highlights and photos as our future professionals demonstrate their skills and creativity.

[Click HERE for a lot of news!]

Friday 16 August 2024

Thursday 15 August 2024

Think about it ...

The more you try, the more you LEARN.
The more you learn, the better you become at it.
Even WHEN you fail, learn from it and try again.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Tips for third term

What not to do in a study break?

Watching TV, Surfing the Web, Video Games & Other Media-Related Activities - These activities don't aid productivity, in fact, they can hinder it or actually make you feel more tired than you are. Go for an activity that gets you moving, breathing and relaxes your mind without putting it to sleep.

How to refresh your mind before an exam?

* Get enough sleep.
* Eat 'brain foods'.
* Prepare what you need for the exam the day before.
* Avoid 'cramming' information in the night before.
* Drink enough water.

How to memorize quickly?
* Spelling mnemonics or alliteration.
* Sing it out.
* Rhyming.
* Repetition.
* Storytelling or linking.
* Flashcards.

How to increase mind power?
* Exercise regularly. 
* Get plenty of sleep.
* Stay mentally active.
* Remain socially involved.

What are the top 5 brain foods?
* Fatty fish for brain health.
* Coffee for cognitive health.
* Blueberries boost your brain health.
* Turmeric for better cognitive health.
* Broccoli benefits for brain health.

[To be continued - 20/08/2024]

Monday 12 August 2024

Tekkies het 'n nuwe FB - word deel van al ons doen en late

Klik HIER vir 'n nuwe kuierervaring!!

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ... Goeie verskoning

'n Man jaag deur 'n snelstrik en besef sy flater toe hy die patrolliemotor sien wat oorgaan tot aksie. Hy besluit om weg te jaag, maar sien hoe die patrolliemotor hom stadig maar seker inhaal. Ten einde laas besluit hy maar om te stop en die gevolge te dra. 

Toe die beampte by hom kom, haal dié sy boekie uit sy sak en sê vir die bestuurder. "Kyk man, ek het 'n moeilike dag gehad en nou staan jy nog en wegjaag ook. Jy beter 'n baie goeie verskoning opdis, sodat ek jou nie moet toesluit nie!" "Ag," sê die man " ... my vrou het verlede week met 'n patrollieman weggeloop en ek dog toe dis jy wat haar dalk wil terugbring!"

Friday 9 August 2024

Flashback Friday: 2 February 2024

Mr Johan Visser, the Provincial Manager of the Free State for FEDSAS, came to Technical High School to award Mr Rodgers a certificate of recognition for the good work he has done with the school over the last 2 years.
We would like to thank Mr Visser for coming through and would also like to congratulate Mr Rodgers.

Poem: A women's life

Early in the morning I wake up
I look up in the sky for strength 
I pray to GOD for Guidance
My face is dry and still I cry.
Will I ever be free? Will I feel true love?

My master who once said he loves me
He locked me up, and beats me.
His hands were once gentle 
His actions are unbelievable 
My man my HUSBAND 
Your hands destroyed me

I can't face My family 
I keep looking for sympathy
Our kids are afraid of you 
Your hands have destroyed me
I cook and clean.
I offer you food with a smile, like I'm happy
I wish you could see your heart that your need me 
But everytime you drunk you beat me
Your hands have destroyed me.

I remember the time I met you
You were so fine and handsome
I couldn't believe I'm with you
It was our time 'now or never'
I wish your mother was here
Because now I live with fear
Will I see another day?
Will I again say my prayers?

My master who beats me
My man my HUSBAND 
I can't move freely 
Your presence torments me 
When you walk next to me
You make me feel worthy 
Will you survive without me
Today I leave you
Will I ever miss you? 

[Tuesday, May 17, 2022]

Click HERE for more poems.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Think about it ...

Here are 7 lessons on The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale:

Lesson 1: Believe in Yourself and Your Unlimited Potential
The first step to harnessing the power of positive thinking is to cultivate unshakeable belief in yourself and your abilities. Recognize that you possess the inner strength and resources to achieve your goals and overcome any obstacles that may arise.

Lesson 2: Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Affirmations
Challenge negative thoughts that undermine your confidence and replace them with positive affirmations. Affirmations are powerful tools that can reshape your mindset and instill a sense of optimism and empowerment.

Lesson 3: Focus on the Present Moment and Embrace Gratitude
Avoid dwelling on past regrets or worrying about future uncertainties. Instead, focus on the present moment and cultivate gratitude for the blessings in your life. Gratitude fosters a positive outlook and attracts more abundance.

Lesson 4: Visualize Your Success
Engage in vivid visualization exercises to mentally paint a picture of your desired outcomes. Visualize yourself achieving your goals, overcoming challenges, and experiencing success. This mental rehearsal can strengthen your belief and motivation.

Lesson 5: Surround Yourself with Positive Influences
Seek out positive and supportive individuals who uplift and encourage you. Avoid negative influences that drain your energy and dampen your spirit. Surround yourself with those who reinforce your positive thinking and inspire you to reach your full potential.

Lesson 6: Practice Forgiveness and Release Negative Emotions
Holding onto grudges and resentment can weigh you down and hinder your personal growth. Practice forgiveness, not for the sake of others, but for your own liberation. Let go of negative emotions and embrace the power of healing and self-compassion.

Lesson 7: Cultivate a Positive Attitude and Approach
Develop a positive and optimistic attitude that permeates every aspect of your life. Approach challenges with a belief in your ability to overcome them, and seek opportunities to turn setbacks into stepping stones for growth.

[Click HERE for more info.]

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Tips for third term

How to study silently?

This is done by not just reading, but also writing, taking notes, and putting the information into your own words. When you do it this way, studying in silence has a lot to offer. Some people do better studying in silence, recording themselves reading the text and then listening to it later.

What to do during study breaks?

Reconnect with nature.
Take a walk.
Take a 15- to 20-minute power nap.
Take a shower.

How to focus on studying?
* Identify the best environment to help you concentrate. 
* Minimize distractions.
* Write a to-do list.
* Schedule study time.
* Make healthy snack choices.
* Take breaks.

How to wake up early?
* Set an earlier bedtime.
* Avoid late-night snacking.
* Avoid sugary energy drinks and coffee.
* Silence your phone.
* Avoid all-nighters.
* Sleep with your curtains open.
* Place your alarm clock across the room.

[To be continued - 13/08/2024]

Monday 5 August 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

“Richard, staan op! Dis tyd om skool toe te gaan,” roep sy ma.

“Ma, ek is nie lus nie! Al die kinders is lelik met my, die onderwysers is goor, die plek is heeltemal ondraaglik!”

“Trek aan jou klere, Richard! Per slot van sake is jy die skoolhoof.”

Saturday 3 August 2024

Statistiek: 211 000 e-besoeke

Dankie aan ons klomp getroue e-besoekers - 2000 in vyf dae! Ons waardeer julle! 

Friday 2 August 2024

Flashback Friday: 2022 Tyrell Bazley

My 2 best friends at HTS. Thank you.
You make work life so fun!

So this co-worker comes to me and says "Tyrell, I am feeling a little down, I heard you are good at picking people up when they are feeling down." He feels much better now, I will pick up each and everyone of you!