Tuesday 15 October 2024

Statistiek: 223 000 welkome e-besoeke

Tekkie Tonic
 het die 223 000-kerf bereik. 'n  Tekkie Tonic-dankie vir elkeen wat die blog so gereeld besoek. Stuur gerus idees en voorstelle in - ons luister graag. Dankie vir al die positiewe kommentaar wat sommer so padlangs gestuur word.

'n GROOT DANKIE aan elke medewerker wat só gereeld bydraes stuur. Julle sterk ons hande!
  • Marguerite Pienaar
  • Valerie Kilian
  • Israel Xaba

Monday 14 October 2024

You Live With A Teacher When ...

* During the school year, they have two moods: completely exhausted or super stressed.

* During assessment and reporting cycles, you find a lot of reasons to leave the house.

* They continuously refer to their class as “my kids,” but you don’t remember having thirty kids.

* Every time they leave the house in the morning, they take more bags with them than on a moving day.

* When their friends come over, they speak in a secret language using words like Behaviour Plan, IEP, Duty, Supervision, Success Criteria, and Anchor Charts.

* They complain about being unable to go to the washroom during the day - even though they really had to.

* They have not eaten lunch in years.

* Part of your monthly house budget goes to school supplies such as stickers, pens, paper, glue, and art supplies.

* They leave the house looking clean and proper and return covered in dust, chalk, whiteboard marker, pen ink or paint.

If the person you live with matches most of these descriptions, congratulations, you live with a teacher!

[Click HERE to enjoy more teacher humour]

Thursday 10 October 2024

Think about it ...

Try not to be so hard on yourself.Take a moment.
Marvel at your life:
at the grief that softened you,
at the heartache that wisened you,
at the suffering that strengthened you.
Despite everything,
you still grew.
Be proud of this.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Vir ons onderwysers ...

Die jaar lê in die pylvak van 2024. Die laaste matriekhekkie lê voor en daarna die lang wag. Vir die onderwysers wat só hard gewerk het die afgelope jaar hierdie spesiale gedagte:

Hulle wat ons kinders leer
en hul gedagtes met feite
en idees fatsoeneer
wat deel in hulle prestasies.

Hulle wat raad gee en
'n liefde vir kennis inspireer,
waar hul waarheid die pad verlig
waar die jonges nog moet leer.

Want die toekoms skitter blink met elke les
en elke glimlag wat hulle verleng.
Nooit doen hulle minder as hulle bes
met elke doel wat hulle help bereik.

Want die opkoms van menige digter,
koning of filosoof
het begin met 'n onderwyser
en die wysheid wat hulle bring

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Tips for fourth term: How can I memorize faster before an exam?

* Try to understand the information first.
*  Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. 
* Link it. 
* Sleep on it. 
* Self-test. 
* Write it out. 
* Create meaningful groups.

Monday 7 October 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

Onderwyser: "Jannie, ek is bly om te sien jou handskrif het verbeter."
Jannie: "Dankie, Meneer."
Onderwyser: "Maar nou kan ek sien hoe sleg jy spel!"

Onderwyser: "Wat lees jy?"
Charles: "Ek weet nie."
Onderwyser: "Maar jy lees kliphard?"
Charles: "Maar ek luister nie."

Onderwyser: "Het jy jou huiswerk gedoen?"
André: "Nee, Juffrou."
Onderwyser: "Het jy 'n verskoning?"
André: "Ja, dis als my ma se skuld."
Onderwyser: "Het sy jou gekeer om dit te doen?"
André: "Nee, sy het nie genoeg geneul dat ek dit doen nie."

Sunday 6 October 2024

Bursaries 2025: Read, think, apply and share

* National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF)
* General Bursaries South Africa 2025
Click HERE!
Click HERE!

Click HERE!

Click HERE!

Click HERE!

Give it a try!
6 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes:

Click HERE!!

Saturday 5 October 2024

May your day be filled with happiness, dear teacher


The lawyer hopes you get into trouble,
the doctor hopes you fall sick,
the police hopes you become a criminal,
the coffin maker wants you dead,
only the TEACHER wishes to educate you
and liberate you from the bondage of ignorance.
Please hug the next teacher by your side,
he/she is one of your true friends.

[Thank you, Sir, for sharing this with us.]

Friday 4 October 2024

Flashback Friday: Reünie gehou

[Vista - Donderdag 28 Februarie 2008]

Die Hoër Tegniese Skool in Welkom vier vanjaar sy 50-jarige bestaan. 

Daar word nou goed gewoel en werskaf om hierdie jaar 'n jaar te maak wat elke oud-Tekkie sal onthou. Die reünienaweek begin reeds môre en duur tot Sondag wanneer die naweek se verrigtinge met 'n sangdiens afgesluit word.

Môre begin die registrasie van reüniegangers om 10:00 met koffie en tee wat in die personeelkamer bedien sal word. Registrasie sal op daardie dag weer van 17:00 voortgesit word. Die amptelike reüniegeleentheid begin om 19:00 in die skoolsaal.

'n Heerlike ete sal voorgesit word waarna tot laat saamgekuier sal word. Verskeie artikels sal deur die aand opgeveil word. 

Saterdag is daar 'n sportdag en rugbywedstryde begin reeds om 09:30 by die Piet Bosch rugbyvelde. Die verskillende jaargroepe reël hul eie gesellighede vir die aand.

Oud-Tekkies word versoek om die skoom met hul besonderhede te bel sodat hulle op die databasis geplaas kan word. Bel me. Hester Bothma by 057 352 3255 vir meer inligting.

[Klik op die koerantberig om duidelik te kan sien.] 

World Smile Day

World Smile Day
is a heartwarming global celebration dedicated to spreading happiness and encouraging acts of kindness. 

This day reminds us of the simple yet powerful impact of a smile and the joy it can bring to ourselves and others.

The message of the World Smile Day is “Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile.”

Thursday 3 October 2024

Think about it ...

1. Define your dream
2. Turn your dream into goals
3. Break your goals into steps
4. Take it one step at a time

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Statistiek: 221 000 welkome e-besoeke

Tips for fourth term: How can I focus 100% on studying?

* Create a Study Space. 
* Make a Study Routine. 
* Set Yourself Goals.
* Minimise Distractions. 
* Sleep Helps You Learn. 
* Feed Your Brain.
* Exercise Regularly.

Welkom terug, Tekkies!

Welkom terug aan elke Tekkie en Tekkie-onderwyser! Ons sien uit na die laaste kwartaal van 2024.Sterkte met dié kwartaal! Matrieks, ons dink aan julle!

[Klik HIER om alles op ons nuwe FB te lees.]