Monday, 24 March 2025

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

 * Wat het die algebraboek vir die geskiedenisboek gesê?
"Ek het tog baie meer probleme as jy."

* Wat het die liniaal vir die potlood gesê?
"Kom ons trek die blad 'n streep."

* Wat het die potlood vir die skerpmaker gesê?
"Hou op ronddraai en kom by die punt."

* Wat het die een V vir die ander V gesê toe die W verbystap?
""Het jy al ooit so 'n identiese tweeling gesien?"

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Kom loer gerus by Tekkies se FB in

Klik HIER vir nuus op die Tekkiewerf !

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Well done keep up the great achievement

Neo Binda took part in the ASA Free State Athletics Championships on 14 and 15 March in Bloemfontein.
We are extremely proud of his achievements.
Neo placed as follows:
1st Place in the 200m
1st Place in the 100m

Neo, best of luck with the rest of the athletics season. HTS stands firmly behind you.

Click HERE for more news.

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Bill Gates said he would “choose a lazy person to do a hard job.”

Bill Gates said he would “choose a lazy person to do a hard job” - here’s why ‘laziness’ might actually be the key to success

* Lazy people are often masters of efficiency.

* Did you know that some of the world’s most successful inventions were born out of a desire to reduce effort?

* Learning to delegate tasks not only freed up my time but also allowed me to focus on what I was truly good at. Just like a “lazy” person, I started looking for ways to efficiently distribute tasks, and in the process, I discovered a whole new aspect of leadership.

* “Lazy” people often approach problems from a unique angle.

* The most crucial takeaway from Bill Gates’ statement is this: success isn’t about working harder, it’s about working smarter.

* Being “lazy” isn’t about avoiding work - it’s about seeking efficiency, valuing downtime, delegating wisely, and focusing on meaningful tasks.

Read the full article HERE!

Monday, 17 March 2025

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

 * Peter is saam met die skool op 'n sportkamp. Hy stuur vir sy ma die volgende WA.
"Liewe Ma, meneer sê ons geniet die kamp verskriklik baie. Liefde, Peter."

* "Pieta, jy kan nie in my klas slaap nie!" raas die juffrou.
Pieta: "As juffrou sagter praat, kan ek dalk." 

* "Stephan, vertaal vir my in Engels: 'Ek mors papier'."
Stephan: "I write exams."

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Congratulations to our athletes

Congratulations to our athletes who performed exceptionally well at the Free State Inter High Athletics event.

Special congratulations to Neo Binda, who is also included in the Free State Athletics team! We are extremely proud of all of you! Well done!

Monday, 10 March 2025

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

* "Koos, hoe het jy op skool gevaar?"
"Goed. Ek en my broer het nooit minder as 90% gekry nie. Hy 80% en ek 10%."

* Die middag na skool, moet die leerders na hul onderskeie buitemuurse aktiwiteite gaan.
Die vier maats besluit om te gaan tennis speel. Watter een is Koos van der Merwe se kind?
Die een met die krieketkolf.

* Jan van der Merwe slaap elke aand met kleurpotlode onder sy bed.
Toe sy broer hom vra wat die rede is, antwoord hy dat hy sy drome wil inkleur.

* Juffrou: "Klein Kosie, hoe spel jy spaghetti?"
Klein Kosie: "S P A  G H E T I E."
Juffrou: "Dis verkeerd".
Klein Kosie: "Juffrou het gevra hoe ek dit spel en dis hoe ek dit spel."

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Courageous Woman (Heart's Deep Tide)

Beneath the surface, where the heart's tides flow,
A quiet strength, a seed that dares to grow.
Not grand displays, nor battles fiercely won,
But whispered truths, where shadows softly run.
She wears no armor, forged in fiery blaze,
But carries scars, from life's intricate maze.
Each etched line, a story deeply told,
Of burdens borne, and spirits brave and bold.
She weeps in silence, when the world's asleep,
Where ancient sorrows, their dark vigil keep.
Yet, dawn's first light, finds courage in her eyes,
A resilience born, beneath weeping skies.
She builds her castles, not of stone and might,
But fragile hopes, that shimmer in the light.
Each tender brick, a dream she holds so dear,
A testament to conquering every fear.
She mends the broken, with a gentle hand,
A silent promise, in a troubled land.
She plants her flowers, where despair had reigned,
And nurtures life, where hope had been restrained.
She knows the weight of words that cut like steel,
The hollow echo, of what hearts conceal.
Yet, in her soul, a well of love resides,
A boundless grace, that forever guides.
She's the quiet whisper, in the storm's fierce roar,
The steady anchor, on a restless shore.
She's the hidden current, that shapes the ocean's sway,
The silent strength, that lights each passing day.
Courageous woman, let your spirit soar,
Unfurl your wings, and reach for something more.
For in the depths, where your true essence lies,
A heartfelt strength, that touches endless skies.

[Poet: Israel Xaba - click HERE to read another piece written by Israel called Extraordinary Women.]

Extraordinary Women

Today, on International Women's Day, we celebrate the extraordinary tapestry of womanhood. It is a day to honor the resilience, the strength, and the boundless spirit that resides within every woman, a spirit that has shaped the course of history and continues to illuminate the path forward.

From the quiet strength of a mother nurturing her child to the unwavering determination of a leader breaking barriers, women embody a spectrum of power that defies definition. We recognize the pioneers who dared to challenge the status quo, the artists who painted their truths onto the canvas of society, the scientists who unlocked the mysteries of the universe, and the countless unsung heroes who have woven their quiet acts of courage into the fabric of our lives.

Extraordinary women are not defined by their titles or accolades, but by the depth of their character, the empathy they extend, and the unwavering belief in their own potential. They are the ones who rise in the face of adversity, who lift others as they climb, and who transform challenges into opportunities. They are the architects of change, the nurturers of hope, and the bearers of light in a world often shrouded in darkness.

Today, we acknowledge the ongoing struggle for equality and justice, the battles still fought for recognition and respect. We commit to creating a world where every woman has the opportunity to thrive, where her voice is heard, her dreams are valued, and her contributions are celebrated.

Let us honor the extraordinary women who have paved the way, and let us empower the extraordinary women of today and tomorrow to continue to shape a world where every woman can shine, brightly and without limit. Happy International Women's Day.

[Thank you, Israel Xaba for this wise words!] 

Inter High Athletics in Bloemfontein

Big congratulations to the following athletes who participated at the Inter High Athletics in Bloemfontein and obtained places! We are very proud of you!

Click HERE for more photos!

Friday, 7 March 2025

Free State Inter High in Sasolburg

Good luck to all our amazing athletes competing at the Free State Inter High in Sasolburg today and tomorrow! Go out there and give it your all – we’re all cheering for you!

Click HERE for more photos!

Thursday, 6 March 2025

265 000 Tekkie Tonic e-besoeke!

Congratulations, Brandon

Congratulations to Brandon Kelly for achieving the following awards during the RFCA Arts Awards. Brandon also placed at the competition.

Awards 2024
1st place Series + trophy
1st place close combat + trophy
Nominated Millennium

Competition - Arts of War
1st place Baton
1st place Supreme fighting arts
2nd First Series
3rd Bo Series

We are extremely proud of you!

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Thank you, Pastor Leroibaki

Thank you to Pastor Leroibaki for the motivational session he presented to the Matrics on the 25th of February.
Click HERE for more photos!

Monday, 3 March 2025

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

* Eendag kom Jaun by die huis aan en sê: "Pa, Boetie het vandag 'n potlood by die skool gesteel."
"Gaan roep jou broer," sê sy pa.
Boetie kom met lang treë die gang af.
"Faan, het jy vandag 'n potlood by die skool gesteel?" vra sy pa.
"Ja, Pa," erken Faan.
"Hoekom het jy dit gedoen?" wil Pa weet.
"Pa, sien, Juffrou sou my doodgemaak het as ek nie vandag 'n potlood by die skool gehad het nie," sê Faan. "Toe vat ek maar 'n potlood."
"Ai, Boeta, as jy net vir my gesê het, dan het ek vir jou een by die werk gevat," antwoord Pa. 

* Die onderwyser kry die graad 8-outjie wat hom so wangedra aan die nek beet.
"Ek dink die duiwel het jou beet," raas die onderwyser.
"Ek dink ook so," hyg die seuntjie.

* Die onderwyser wil die outjies aan die gang kry en begin die les met 'n vraag aan Kobus.
"Kobus, ken jy al die alfabet?"
"Ja, Meneer."
"Nou goed," sê my dan wat kom na  A."
"Al die ander, Meneer."

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Dankie Tekkie Tonic e-lesers vir 260 000 e-besoeke!

Sponsorship of laptops

A big thank you to the District Office (Vocational), with the sponsorship of laptops for use in technical subjects. Presenting the laptops to the educators are Mr. Khuele and Mr. Thabanyane.
Teachers: Messrs Litjamela, Pretorius and me Kruger.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

World Compliment Day

This day was created as a way to spread happiness and increase productivity. Encourages people to use words instead of gifts as a way to praise and appreciate people. The idea is to create the most positive day in the world.

We celebrate this day by spreading encouragement and positivity far and wide.

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Gideon Bibles South Africa - A Special Visit

Today, we welcomed the Gideon Ambassadors to our school to visit our Grade 8 learners. This morning, they once again shared the incredible impact they make by distributing Gideon Bibles in schools.

As part of their visit, they generously provided our learners woth Bibles, ensuring that each student could receive God’s Word.

Spreading God’s Word through Bible distribution can lead people to faith in Christ. New believers grow by studying Scripture and can even use it to share their newfound faith with others.

We are grateful for their visit and for their work in making God’s Word accessible to so many.

Click HERE for more information!

Monday, 24 February 2025

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

* "Sarel, wat gaan jy word as jy eendag groot is?" vra die LO-juffrou.
"'n Ruimtereisiger, Juffrou," antwoord Sarel.
"Dis mooi om soveel drome te hê, Sarel," sê die juffrou. "Hoekom het jy dit besluit?"
"My pa het gesê daar is niks op aarde waarvoor ek goed is nie."

* Onnie: "Kosie, wat maak 'n handlanger?"
Kosie wat glad nie sy aandag by die les bepaal het nie: "Die vingers, Meneer."

* "Pa," vra Jannie, "kan 'n mens gestraf word vir iets wat jy nie gedoen het nie?"
"Natuurlik nie, " antwoord sy pa.
"Dankie tog," sê Jannie, "want ek het nie my huiswerk gedoen nie."

Friday, 21 February 2025

Bursaries 2025: Shoprite Group Bursaries 2025

Shoprite Group invites South African students to apply for Bursary Programme for 2025 academic year.

Bursary Application closing date: 30 April 2025

The Shoprite bursary is a stepping stone into our company and guarantees you a career with the group upon the successful completion of your course.

Click HERE for all the information.

Stepping up to lead the way

The newly elected representative council of learners (RCL) members of the Welkom Technical High School (THS) are from the left Tshiriletso Porota (public relations officer), Junior Mafantiri (secretary), Raphael Takadimane (chairperson), Mr Eugene Rodgers (headmaster), Mr Ishaaq Dajee (teacher liaison officer), Paul Morokgweng (deputy chairperson), Tshidiso Moshodi (deputy secretary) and Lemohang Diphoko (treasurer). Photo: Elizma Loggenberg

Follow the OPEN link to read the FREE article on News 24.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Outstanding achievement

We are thrilled to announce that Neo Binda has broken not one but TWO records at the Lejweleputswa Athletics event in Kroonstad on 14th February 2025!

Neo set a new record in the 100m with an incredible time of 10:37 and in the 200m with an impressive 21:28 – both for the Boys Under 19 category! 

This outstanding achievement is a testament to his dedication, hard work, and talent. We couldn't be more proud of you, Neo! Keep pushing boundaries and inspiring us all.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025


 Die atletiekspan wat HTS Woensdag in Bloemfontein verteenwoordig.

Monday, 17 February 2025

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

* "Petrie, wat is daardie groot knop op jou kop?" vra die onderwyser.
"Dis waar my pa my met die somme gehelp het, Meneer," antwoord Jannie.

* "Don, jy kan nie in my klas sit en slaap nie!" raas die juffrou.
Don: "As Juffrou ophou raas, kan ek dalk."

* Onderwyser: "Ek is trots op jou, Kosie. Hoe is dit moontlik dat jy vandag al jou somme wat jy vir huiswerk gekry het, reggekry het?"
Kosie: "My pa is met vakansie, Meneer."

Friday, 14 February 2025

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Congratulations to Brandon Kelly and Siyabonga Gina

We want to congratulate the following two learners, Brandon Kelly and Siyabonga Gina for their incredible achievement of making it into the 2025 SA National Team and for being nominated for the 2024 RCFA Art Awards!

We are extremely proud of you!

Why you should consider going to a TVET college

TVET stands for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. TVET colleges are institutions that offer courses to prepare students for careers in skilled trades.

What do TVET colleges offer?
* Practical skills
TVET colleges provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to work in a specific trade or occupation.
* Apprenticeships
Some TVET colleges offer apprenticeship programs in trades like electrical, welding, and automotive body repair.
* Career pathways
TVET colleges can prepare students for employment, entrepreneurship, or higher education.
Who can attend TVET colleges?
* TVET colleges accept students who have passed Grade 9, 10, 11, or 12.
* Some students may qualify to transfer to a University of Technology to continue their studies.
Where are TVET colleges located?
* TVET colleges are part of the Department of Higher Education and Training in South Africa.
* There are many TVET colleges across the country.

Does NSFAS fund TVET colleges?
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a public entity reporting to the Department of Higher Education and Training. NSFAS provides financial assistance in the form of a study bursary to qualifying students who wish to study or are already studying at TVET colleges and public universities.

Can you go to University after TVET college?
Under certain conditions, some students may qualify for admission to a University of Technology to continue their studies at a higher level in the same field of study as they were studying at the TVET College.
Click  HERE  for more information.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Happy birthday to our headmaster

Happy birthday to our incredibly headmaster, Mr. Rodgers. Thank you for all that you do for the learners, parents and staff.