Tuesday 30 July 2024

Tips for third term

How many hours can your brain study?

The human brain is able to focus up to two hours, after which it needs a 20-30 minute break. The average American spends about 9 hours a day at work.

How to rest your brain after studying?

Try to clear your head by reading a book, listening to some music or a podcast or even just heading out for a quick walk. 

How many hours should I use my phone as a student?
Remember that it should not interfere with learning, relationships, family time, physical activity, playtime or sleep. Excessive screen time can affect both the physical and mental health of an individual. 2 hours of screen time is acceptable on school days and can be dragged up to 3 hours during the weekend.

How do you beat laziness and focus on study?
* Set clear goals. 
* Establish a study schedule that includes dedicated time for each subject or task. 
* Create a schedule.
* Eliminate distractions. 
* Start with the most challenging tasks. 
* Take breaks.
* Stay organised.
* Find your motivation.

[To be continued - 6/08/2024]

Monday 29 July 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

Jare lank het 'n bedelaar voor die koöperasie gesit en die jammerhartige boer het elke maand as hy sy goedjies kom koop vir die stomme man R50 gegee.

Een maand begin die boer egter om net R40 te gee. Die bedelaar is 'n bietjie dikbek, maar aanvaar dit maar.

‘n Jaar later gee die boer net R20 en die bedelaar vererg hom: "Haai ou," sê hy, "toe jy van R50 na R40 afgekom het, was ek geduldig, maar nou gee jy net R20. Hoekom so min? Alles raak duurder."

"Ag, ek is regtig jammer, Meneer," antwoord die boer verleë.

"Jy sien, my seun is verlede jaar technikon toe en dit kos my 'n klomp geld. Dis die rede hoekom ek nie genoeg geld het om vir jou elke keer R50 te gee nie. En nou is my dogter universiteit toe en dit kos nog meer geld ..."

"Hoor hier, hoeveel kinders het jy?" vra die bedelaar.

"Daar is nog twee in die hoërskool," antwoord die boer.

"Wel, ek hoop nie jy is van plan om hulle almal op my koste te laat leer nie!" 

Saturday 27 July 2024

HTS groet Tyrell

Tyrell was die bemarker en sportbestuurder by HTS Welkom. Hy was 'n bekende en geliefde sanger, wat geen onbekende by die radioluisteraars was nie. Hy was die vorige stasiebestuurder van Radio GoldFM en 'n gewilde omroeper.

Dit is met groot hartseer dat ons die skool se vlag halfmas vir jou laat hang - 'n kollega, 'n vriend en 'n omgeemens wat altyd bereid was om die ekstra myl te loop. Ons sal jou altyd onthou vir jou positiewe persoonlikheid, vriendelikheid, hulpvaardigheid en jou lewensblyheid  - jou plek by die skool is leeg.

Tyrell was 'n natuurlike motiveerder en deel van sy lewensuitkyk was: Your flaws are the stepping stones towards becoming a better version of yourself.

Baie sterkte, kalmte, genade en aanvaarding word vir sy familie toegebid. Tyrell sal vir ewig voortleef in pragtige herinneringe.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Poem: Melody of the caged bird

I know nothing other than my cage land
For I only fly onto my master's lap.
It is of great joy that I sing day by day,
For at least he thinks I am his friend.

My wings know nothing about the wind
For they are only visited by the blade of 2 hand scissor.
I shout my cries day in day out,
For they never reach the ground.

I see the smile on my master each day I cry.
My shouts are of melody to his ears
As if he's deprived of sight.
For there only comes a time where I'll leave my land tranquil.

For it made me timid 
From amazing souls
Which never passed without saying "hello"

It's of irony 
They greet as if they are to stay,
For my heart palpitate as it hears this phrase.
I see grove of trees where birds build homes 

For I only sit on stick 
Sip on water and sink in seeds.
My melody is what they like 
For I have cried like tribes of Palestine 
Where posters are made and seen
But nothing is to be done for thee

Melody of the caged bird.

[Click HERE for some more poems.]

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Tips for third term

Is studying at night good or bad?

Nighttime is generally quieter and less distracting. For students who thrive in a peaceful setting, this can be an ideal time for deep concentration. Some people find that their concentration peaks during the late hours. With fewer interruptions and a calm atmosphere, they can delve into their studies more effectively.

How long should you study?
Study in short time blocks like 1-2 hours at a time (take about a five minute break every half hour or ten minutes every hour), as you'll likely be able to focus better and remember a greater proportion of what you learned, and will also be less likely to procrastinate.

Is it better to study with or without music?
No matter how 'background' the music may be and how little we notice it, the brain is still processing sound signals. Almost all research in this area has shown that problem solving and memory recall tasks are performed better in silence than with any kind of background noise.

How many hours of sleep is enough for a student?
Most teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. Getting the right amount of sleep is important for anyone who wants to do well on a test or play their best in sports. Unfortunately, many teens don't get enough sleep.

Why can't I remember anything I study?
When students cram, or even use too short intervals between study sessions, their memory is still active, and restudying doesn't activate it. However, when the intervals between practice sessions are too long, the memory cannot be retrieved.

[To be continued - 30/07/2024]

Monday 22 July 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

Q: What did the pen say to the pencil?
A: So, what's your point!


Q: Why did the kid study in the airplane?
A: Because he wanted a higher education!


Q: How did the music teacher get locked in the classroom?
A: His keys were inside the piano!


Q: What do elves learn in school?
A: The elf-abet!


Q: What did you learn in school today?
A: Not enough, I have to go back tomorrow!


Thursday 18 July 2024

Make every day a Mandela Day

Every year on 18 July, Nelson Mandela’s birthday, South Africa and the rest of the world join hands to celebrate International Mandela Day

To celebrate his life and the values he embraces, International Mandela Day was launched in 2009. It encourages people to do something good, no matter how big or small for 67 minutes on this day.

Millions of people worldwide supported their local charities, donated food and clothes to disadvantaged communities or offered their services at hospitals, children’s homes and old age homes. Ideas to give 67 minutes of service

How will you spend your 67 minutes of service this year? 

There are many ways to get involved. Here are just a few suggestions.
* Volunteer to do shopping for an elderly or disabled person.
* Offer your help at a local children’s home or an old-age home.
* Mow someone’s lawn or help them to fix things around the garden or house.
* Read to someone who can’t read.
* Collect unused clothing and blankets from friends and donate them to homeless people.
* Visit someone in hospital 

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Tips for third term

How to study fast without forgetting?

Use repetition to firmly lodge information in your memory. Repetition techniques can involve things like flash cards and self-testing. Space out your studying and repetition over several days, and start to increase the time in between each study session.

How can I empty my mind to study?
Physical exercise, fresh air, and sleeping are fantastic ways to get things off your mind and improve memory. Taking more breaks helps to increase your effectiveness. Meditation can help you practice mindfulness and overcome negative feelings. 

Which time is best for study?
According to scientists, the brain is most alert and teachable at 10 am-2 pm and 4 pm-10 pm. (Source: Amber Student). If you would like to optimise your attention span and practise deep learning, then science advises you to study between the hours of 4 am and 7 am. This period is best for deep focus.

Can I lie down and study?
If you are lying down, chances are, you'll get sleepy and fall asleep. When you are lounging, your mind drifts out of focus. When you are sitting upright, in a well-lit room, your studying will be the most focused. Every hour of studying this way could be worth two hours of studying on the bed or sofa.

[To be continued - 23/07/2024]

Monday 15 July 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

Onderwyser: "James, noem twee voornaamwoorde."
James: "Wie, ek?" 
Onderwyser: "Dis reg."


Onderwyser: "Sandra, jou spelling het baie verbeter! Net vyf foute hierdie keer."
Sandra: "Dankie, Juffrou."
Onderwyser: "Nou, kom ons gaan aan na die volgende woord."


Onderwyser: "Hoe spel jy imbesiel?"
Leerder: "I e m b u s i e l."
Onderwyser: "Die woordeboek spel dit IMBESIEL."
Leerder: Maar Juffrou het gevra hoe spel ek dit."  

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Bursaries: StudyTrust

StudyTrust manages several bursaries and scholarships on behalf of trusts, foundations, and private and corporate donors. More information on the various opportunities’ selection criteria is provided on the Bursaries page. Applicants are asked to identify their first and second preferred bursary/scholarship, but all applicants will be considered for all opportunities they qualify for.

Applications for most bursary and scholarship opportunities close on 30 September. However, there are some exceptions, as indicated on the Bursaries pages.

Current Gr 12 learners who are not yet sure about their study plans are referred to the helpful resources on the web pages of Pace Career Centre. Their career questionnaire was designed to assist prospective students with the right study programme and career choice.

Selection Criteria

Bursary selection is based on academic potential, financial need and study programmes. Bursaries are available for:
* The majority of the bursaries and scholarships administered by StudyTrust are for University students (undergraduate and post-graduate) studying full-time in critical and scarce skills programmes.
* A limited number of bursaries are available for full-time University of Technology students, with a pass symbol in all subjects, studying towards careers in demand by the labour market.
* A few bursaries are available for full-time students at Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Agricultural Colleges.

Applicants must specify the exact name of the study programme, the name of the educational institution and the start and end dates of the study programme.

Click HERE for all the information!

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Kwartaal 3 - die laaste hekkie voor die eindeksamen

Wat is 'n moontlike modus operandi vir 'n matriekleerder gedurende die derde kwartaal?

Die volgende punte is die goeie raad van 2008 se hoofseun:
** Dis nog nie te laat om vandag te begin nie, maar dan moet jy dubbeld jou gewig ingooi. (Dit kan tydsgewys op 'n stadium aan die onmoontlike grens om alles te wil leer.)
** Begin dadelik beplan en te prioritiseer.
** Kry onmiddellik 'n studierooster as jy nog nie een het nie.
** Kry 'n studiemaat wat jou kan help met die vakke waarin jy nie na wense presteer het nie. (Maar moenie sy tyd mors nie, hy moet ook leer,) 
**  Verpligtinge soos sport, kultuur, familie, vriende is NIE ‘n verskoning vir ‘n swak akademiese vertoning nie. Bestudeer jou rapport en neem sinvolle besluite. Jou familie en vriendekring moet bewus wees van jou besluite t.o.v. jou akademie.  
** Dis JOU verantwoordelikheid om tydens noodsaaklike verpligtinge of 'n krisis akademiese voorsorg te tref en vooruit te werk, of om agterna so gou as moontlik verlore werk in te haal.
** Moenie verskonings uitdink hoekom jy nie tyd aan jou akademie kan spandeer nie - verskonings is 'n teken dat jy glad nie ernstig oor jou uitslae en jou toekoms is nie.
** Die skool bied ongelooflik baie geleenthede en hulp aan leerders - aantekeninge, ekstra klasse en studiemateriaal. Maak gebruik daarvan.
** As jy emosioneel af voel, gaan praat met een van die onderwysers of pastoor. 
** Sterkte vir die laaste paar weke en byt vas! Daar is 1000de matrieks wat op hierdie selfde oomblik belangrike besluite oor hulle punte moet neem.

[Gaan google die hoofseun van 2008 en besluit of dit goeie raad is.]

Monday 8 July 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

Q: What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil?
A: Stop going in circles and get to the point!


Q: How does the barber cut the moon's hair?
A: E-clipse it!


Q: What happened when the wheel was invented?
A: It caused a revolution!


Q: When do astronauts eat?
A: At launch time!


Q: What do librarians take with them when they go fishing?
A: Bookworms

Friday 5 July 2024

Flashback Friday: 2011 Relay for life (Hoofseun: Willie Pretorius)

Willie en Michael Pretorius
Span: Dinamika 3099 van HTS
JCC Welkom 2011
Willie Pretorius onderburgemeester

Thursday 4 July 2024

Think about it ...

John Ortberg: "The most important task of your life is not what you do, but who you become. The world badly needs wise and flourishing human beings. Those who flourish always bring blessing to others - and they can do so in the most unexpected and humble circumstances.When your flourish you are in harmony with God, other people, creation and yourself. Flourishing is not measured by outward signs such as income, possessions, or attractiveness. It means becoming the person God had in mind in creating you."

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Bursaries: Questions and answers

When Should You Start Applying For Bursaries? 
** You should start applying as early as possible. Most bursaries do not need your Matric results immediately. Also, be sure to apply to as many options as possible.

Which bursaries are still open for 2025?
** Bursaries
Amazon: Bursaries 2025
Glencore: Bursaries 2025
Industrial Development Corporation (IDC): Bursaries 2025
Sasol: Mining/Engineering Bursaries 2025
SANRAL: Bursaries 2025
MMEG: Bursaries 2025
Thuthuka Bursary 2025
South African Reserve Bank: Bursaries 2025

Is UCT open for 2025 application?
** When to apply. Applications opened on 2 April 2024. The closing date for applications for undergraduate study at UCT in 2025 is 31 July 2024. We will not consider applications received after this date.

Do you pay back a bursary?
** This money must be repaid once the student takes up employment. A BURSARY is an award given to students in need of financial support who are performing well academically. 

Can I use my Grade 11 report to apply for university?
** Which results should I apply with? You need to use your final Grade 11 results for the application and you will be conditionally admitted based on those. Your admission status will be finalised upon the release of your final National Senior Certificate (Grade 12) results in January.

Monday 1 July 2024

LOL: Blou Maandag-humor ...

James kom na skool by die huis aan en sê vir sy ma: "Wow! Vandag was ongelooflik great! Die skoolhoof sal seker netnou bel en met ma-hulle kom praat."


Onderwyser: "Verduidelik wat beteken die bywoord, toevallig."
Leerder: "Snaaks, ek wou dit nou net vir Juffrou gevra het."


Onderwyser: "Verduidelik vir die klas wat is 'n sinoniem."
Leerder: "Dis 'n woord wat 'n mens gebruik as jy nie die ander woord kan spel nie."