Thursday, 31 March 2016

Die eerste rugbyspanspan se oefenkamp by Sportweni!!

Ete is 'n belangrike aktiwiteit op die daaglikse program!

Besig om te oefen...

Stilte voor sonsopkoms op die strand!

Begin die dag op die regte manier!

World Backup Day

Have you backed up your data recently? Every day people, businesses, even games lose huge amounts of valuable data because they fail to follow this one basic procedure. World Backup Day is set aside as a reminder to back up your files, even if it’s once a year! A backup is a reserve copy of all the files you’d be loathe to use. There’s nothing more traumatizing than having losing your phone, or having your hard drive crash, and having hundreds of valuable and irreplaceable documents or photos suddenly gone beyond retrieval.

No matter how secure or safe you feel your data and equipment is, it’s important to back up your files. 30% of people don’t have any way to save their important files in the event that tragedy strikes.
In our electronic based world, there are hundreds of ways to suddenly have things go terribly awry. 29% of all disasters are caused by accidents, costing valuable time and money as the resources they affected are lost forever. You may feel your computer is safe, but 1 in 10 of all computers, including household and business computers, are infected with a virus that may suddenly cause all of your data to be gone beyond retrieval.

“But my phone is always on me!” I hear you say! Wonderful! That’ll make it easier for you to be one of the 113 phones stolen every minute, each day. In this modern digital world, many of us live from our phones. Whether it’s for business, or just personal use, these electronic assistants often contain gigs of valuable documents, pictures, videos, and music. Do you really want to chance losing all of that when backup options are so easy and available?

“Easy? How do I backup my files and protect myself?” There ya go! Now we’re asking the right questions! There are a myriad of ways you can use to backup your files, most phones are connected to some form of backup system. iPhones are tied directly into iTunes, which can back up all of your valuable data, you just need to hook that thing up to your computer and update the files daily! You can even do it as part of charging, just plug it in to your computer, set it to backup, and it’ll go about the process automatically while it takes a charge.

Android phones are intrinsically tied to Google, and with the availability of Google Docs and the Google backup, it’ll tie all of your data in to your profile, uploading it to a secure location while allowing you to choose which ones to share! Google Docs can also be used to store all of your valuable files online! The bonus here is that from google docs you can access your files from any computer, saving you from having to wait for your system to be back up before you get those important files back!

Another option is open that is the ‘all inclusive’ option. If you’d prefer to back up everything instead of just bits and pieces, there are tons of places online that will give you reviews of dozens of options for full backup services. Take some time to cruise through them and decide which one is right for you. Remember, if the only copy you have of your important files is all in one place, it only takes one accident, one small disaster for you to lose them all. So take the time to backup your files, and stop yourself from becoming one of this year’s April’s Fools.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Friday, 25 March 2016

Easter season...

The easter season has arrived!

This is a time to spend with your loved ones, that may include family and friends, I hope and pray for an awakening of your spirit, not only should you enjoy but to also remember the main reason why you were brought to this earth as there is purpose you have to fulfill...I pray that you may remember it fully and also that you may be the light that is set upon the hill to display joy and love to all those around you, in everything you do, don't forget to display a character that will bring people close, a character that will create a motive inside of people to be better than you , it may sound difficult but your purpose is to bring people to a point of enlightenment regarding themselves, yes you have problems, yes, there are certain people who are against your well being, but in all of that don't forget to make people feel better about themselves, don't forget to display that beautiful character you have inside of you, it may come from the wrong person but it is a demand for you during this period .The person you intend to be should play part in what you are today.

Remember to fake it until you make it. Because you have a certain, special role to play in other people's lives and in your life also. You were born for a purpose , stick to it!!  Enjoy it!

From me I say have a great Easter weekend!!
(Ushupeng Kgwele)

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Eet jy hoender?

GFC by Reitz slag 155 000 hoenders per dag.

Die grootste hoender-abattoir nòg in die Vrystaat, Grain Field Chickens (GFC) by Reitz.

‘n Filiaal van VKB, slag tans sowat 155 000 hoenders per dag. Weekliks lewer hulle in totaal sowat 782 000 slaghoenders aan die mark landswyd. 

Ongeveer 126 hoenderprodusente lewer die hoenders aan GFC vir slagting, verwerking en bemarking. ‘n Projek waar hoenderhuise braaihoenders grootmaak, word deur die VKB gefinasieer. Dit word ondersteun deur die Dept. van Arbeid, die IDC en die Werkloosheidsversekeringsfonds. 

Die abattoir verskaf werk aan sowat 1 400 mense, waarvan die meeste vroue is. Die belangrikste bestanddele van braaikuikenvoer is soja-oliekoek (18%) en mielies (60%). 

Die VKB Veevoerfabriek in Vrede en die Free State Oil oliepers in Villiers verseker dat streng gehaltebeheer by GFC toegepas word. 

Die gemiddelde weeklikse verbruikersvraag na hoenders in Suid-Afrika is 22 miljoen braaikuikens.

(Inligting:Vrystaat Sake Bulletin )

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Monday, 21 March 2016

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Die konsentrasie van 'n wenner...

Richard Owuru!

SA Hoërskole Atletiek in Bloemfontein - Saterdag

Richard Owuru  het 'n derde plek in die 0/19 200m finaal
gekry. Hy het gister 'n vierde plek behaal in die 0/19 
100m finaal, met 'n verskil van 0.01 vir derde.
Richard, jy is 'n wenner!!

Baie geluk. Rus goed die vakansie en takel die tweede kwartaal met spoed!!

Sizwe Mtsambela was tweede in die semifinaal van die 
200m, Baie goed. Gelukkig is daar nog 'n 2017!! 

Vinnige voete...
Sizwe Mtsambela, Siyabonga Ntathi, Richard Owuru 

en Adrian Olivier.

Earth Hour...

Kaapstad fietsrytoer!!

Mnr Henk van Vuuren en sy vrou in die middel agter by die
Jaar na jaar is mnr. Henk van Vuuren en sy vrou, Christa, deel van die self- opgelegde vreugde- pyne!! En jaarliks oefen hulle getrou vir die Kaapstad fietstoer. Vanjaar is die 15de keer dat hulle aan hierdie gesogte fietstoer deelneem. Hulle ken die ratte van daardie tandem en menige dag trap hulle stof uit Welkom se strate soos hulle voorberei.

Vanjaar is die 39ste Kaapstad fietstoer en daar was nagenoeg 35 000 deelnemers - onder wie 4 500 uit die buiteland was.

Die deelnemers is 06:00 in die Hertzog-boulevard deur Patricia de Lille, burgemeester van Kaapstad, afgesit.

Almal wat daar was, praat oor die heerlike weer en dat die temperature dit vanjaar 'n bietjie draagliker gemaak het. Buiten die wenner, was die grootste glimlag seker op die gesigte van die paartjie wat besluit het om by die wenstreep verloof te raak.

Volgens mnr. Henk van Vuuren is die atmosfeer en die gesindheid wat onder die mense heers, die groot rede agter die terugkeerfaktor.

Friday, 18 March 2016

SA Hoërskole Atletiek in Bloemfontein - Vrydag

Richard Owuru  het 'n vierde plek behaal in die 0/19 
100m finaal, met 'n verskil van 0.01 vir derde.
Baie geluk met die pragtige uitslag.

Die SA-deelnemers

Enjoy the holidays!!

Laaste dag...

JUFFROU: Klas, ek hoop julle hou lekker vakansie en kom met meer verstand terug.

KLAS: Dankie en dieselfde vir Juffrou.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Monday, 14 March 2016

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Thuso Mpuang is a South African sprinter...

Foto van groep: Henk van Vuuren
Thuso Mpuang is a South African sprinter who specializes in the 200 metres.

Mpuang represented South Africa at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. He competed at the 4x100 metres relay together with Leigh Julius, Ishmael Kumbane and Hannes Dreyer. In their qualification heat they did not finish due to a mistake in the baton exchange and they were eliminated. He also took part in the 200 metres individual, running the distance in 20.87 seconds and only placing sixth in his heat. Still his time was among the best losing times and he achieved a second round spot. With 21.04 seconds he finished seventh in his second round heat, failing to qualify for the semi finals.

· 100 metres 10.35 1.80 Pretoria 27 March 2008
· 200 metres 20.64 0.60 Pretoria 28 March 2008
100 meters
· 2008 10.35 1.80 Pretoria 27/03/2008
· 2007 10.42 -0.20 Pretoria 13/04/2007
· 2006 10.65 Pretoria 07/04/2006

200 meters
· 2009 20.92 0.60 Stellenbosch 04/04/2009
· 2008 20.64 0.60 Pretoria 28/03/2008
· 2007 20.75 Gaborone 05/04/2007
· 2006 21.18 0.20 Pretoria 08/04/2006
· 2005 21.48 0.40 Marrakech 16/07/2005

200 meters
· 11th IAAF World Junior Championships 21.71 -0.60 Beijing (Chaoyang Sport Center) 17/08/2006
· 4th IAAF World Youth Championships 21.78 1.20 Marrakech 16/07/2005

Copyright © 2016 World Public Library. All rights reserved. eBooks from Project Gutenberg are sponsored by the World Public Library Association, 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Monday, 7 March 2016

Preaching the Gospel

THS Welkom had the privilege of having four Evangelists from three different places in the world; UK, Zimbabwe and Ghana. 

They are traveling in South Africa giving a word for young people and preaching the Gospel. It was like a devine intervention from God. They truly reached the young men of the school and touched them by the message delivered by these four men.

On the photo are William Pentreath (United Kingdom), Callum Winrworth (United Kingdom), Michael Adv-Yeboah (Ghana), mrs. Maryna Pretorius (preacher at school) and McCartney Ngulube (Zimbabwe).

(Atletiekfoto's tydens Interhoër te Sasolburg, is deur mev. Alet Harding, die spanbestuurder geneem.)

Saturday, 5 March 2016

'n Vrystaatwenner!!!

Die gesig van 'n wenner... n dubbelwenner!!
Richard Owuru is die nuwe Vrystaatkampioen in die 100m,
sowel as die 200m!! Baie geluk!! Jy verdien dit!!

Gaan loer 'n bietjie na beeld- materiaal van hierdie atleet!!


Julle sportmangees verdien 'n spesiale prys!!

Siya is tweede in die 100m hekkies en gaan 'n draai by die
SA-kampioenskap maak!! Baie geluk!! 

Friday, 4 March 2016

Atletiekbyeenkoms by Sasolburg.

'n Groepfoto, net om te wys ons is slaggereed!!!
'n Fisiese wetenskap-atleet in wording...
Mooi so, Monde!!

Kamogelo Malekutu, mev. Harding se linkerhand en
regterhand, verjaar vandag!!!

Lebohang Ramphoma is so dankbaar as hy sien mev. Harding
het die toiletpapier onthou... 
Mordicai Cau het 'n goue medalje vir die hoogspring
S/17 gekry met 'n hoogte van 1.85! Hier verskyn die
glimlaggende hoogspringer saam met mnr. Vernon
Harding wat ooggetuie van die hoogte was
Die spanbestuurder, mev. Alet Harding, saam met twee van
haar atlete.